1) The antonym of transmit is withheld.
2) The opposite of animosity is love.
3) The antonym of clear is indistinct.
4) The most nearly opposite in meaning to sumptuous is restrained.
5) The opposite of hostile is friendly.
6) Arrival: Departure
7) Economise: Waste
8) International: Accidental
9) Entice: Repel
10) Cowardice: Valour
11) Buoyant: Placid
12) Commodious: Limited
13) Parallel: Divergent
14) Filthy: Clean
15) LURID: Dull
16) Malevolent: Kindly
17) Malign: Eulogized
18) Manifest: Obscure
19) Flamboyant: Old-fashioned
20) Fiasco: Success
21) Sobriety: Inebriety
22) Untenable: Tremulous
23) Antithesis: Similarity
24) Affable: Rude
25) Bizarre: Normal
26) Capricious: Steadfast
27) Cacophony: Applause
28) Accumulate: Disperse
29) Indolent: Energetic
30) Opaque: Transparent (Note: This is an antonym, not a synonym.)
31) Democracy: Theocracy
32) Pertinent: Irrelevant
33) Frugal: Spendthrift
34) Restive: Placid
35) Antonym of remarkable: Inconsequential
36) Opposite of Democracy: Theocracy
37) Opposite of pertinent: Irrelevant
38) Opposite of frugal: Spendthrift
39) Opposite of restive: Placid
40) Antonym of remarkable: Inconsequential
41) Antonym of profane: Pious
42) Antonym of fugitive: Captive
43) Confess is the opposite of: Refuse
44) · Antonym of transparent: Opaque
45) · Antonym of paucity: Abundance
46) · Antonym of opaque: Transparent
47) · Antonym of haughty: Humble
48) · Antonym of virtue: Vice
49) Antonym of denounce: Defend
50) Antonym of deplete: Replenish
51) Antonym of impound: Release
52) Opposite of profane: Respectful
53) Opposite of contract: Expand
54) Opposite of deteriorate: Improve
55) Opposite of melancholy: Happy
56) Opposite of eminent: Unknown
57) Opposite of consensus: Disagreement
58) Opposite of covert: Overt
59) Paucity – Surplus
60) Concord – Variance
61) Hypocrisy – Uprightness
62) Fluid – Frozen
63) Onerous – Light
64) Gregarious – Lonesome
65) Opposite of paucity – Abundance
66) Opposite of contract is – Attract
67) Antonym of “Cryptic” is: Candid
68) PROSPERITY: Adversity
69) TENDER: Cruel
71) Antonym of “Entice”: Repel
72) Antonym of “Mettle”: Cowardice
73) Antonym of “Microcosm”: Macrocosm
74) Antonym of “Absurd”: Rational
75) Antonym of “Modicum”: Great Amount
76) Valour is the opposite of: Cowardice
77) Restive is the opposite of: Placid
78) Exonerate is the opposite of: Accuse
79) Euphonious is the opposite of: Strident
80) Tranquil: Noisy
81) Auspicious: Luckless
82) Pertinent: Irrelevant
83) The synonym of Paltry is: Insignificant
84) The antonym of Egregious is: Ordinary
85) The antonym of ambiguous is: Clarity
86) The antonym of Climax is: Bottom
87) The antonym of Meagre is: Large
88) The antonym of Quell is: Irritate
89) The antonym of ambiguous is: Clarity
90) The antonym of Climax is: Bottom
91) The antonym of Haggard is: Healthy
92) The antonym of Impertinent is: Polite
93) The antonym of Diligent is: Lazy.
94) Antonym of Wean is: Attach.
95) The antonym of Stagnant is: Progress.
96) What is the antonym of subsequent? Comparative.
97) Antonym of indolent is: Energetic.
98) The antonym of anomalous is: Usual.
99) The antonym of Brevity is: Prolixity.
100) Antonym of heterogeneous is: Similar.
101) Antonym of docile is: Unyielding.
102) Choose the antonym of Deny: Acknowledge.
103) Choose the antonym of Detest: Love.
104) The antonym of Pleasant is: Agitated.
105) The antonym of turmoil is: Serenity.
106) The Antonym of Haggard is: Healthy.
107) The Antonym of ambiguity is: Transparency.
108) The Antonym of Conceal is: Denote.
109) Antonym of Gumption is: Apathy.
110) Choose the antonym of Sacrilegious: Pious.
111) Choose the antonym of Wrath: Delight.
112) Choose the antonym of Laborious: Lazy.
113) Choose the antonym of Vague: Clear.
114) The antonym of Dainty is: Vigorous.
115) The antonym of Adept is: Unskilled.
116) The antonym of Courageous: Timid.
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