1) · Recede – Proceed
2) · Miscellaneous – Similar
3) · Flagitious – Innocent
4) · Ostentatious – Unpretentious
5) · Validate – Disprove
6) · Validate → Disprove
7) · Mettle → Cowardly
8) · Validate → Disprove
9) · Mettle → Cowardly· Opposite of pardon → Punish
10) · Opposite of Democracy → Dictatorship
11) · Abbreviate → Expand
12) · Absurd → Rational
13) · Active → Passive
14) · Sublime → Low
15) · Vilify → Commend
16) · Opposite of “perish” → Survive
17) · Opposite of “deteriorate” → Improve
18) · Opposite of “transparent” → Opaque
19) · Opposite of “amateur” → Professional
20) · Approachable → Inaccessible
21) · Tranquil → Noisy
22) · Coincidence → Deliberate
23) · Combat → Support
24) · Factual → Fictitious
25) What is the antonym of “contract”? → Treaty
26) What is the antonym of “gradual”? → Sudden
27) Antonym of Dwarf: Giant.
28) Antonym of Confess: Deny.
29) Antonym of Frail: Strong.
30) Antonym of validate: Disprove.
31) Antonym of impromptu: Prepared.
32) Antonym of incriminate: Exonerate.
33) Antonym of plethora: Dearth.
34) Antonym of asset: Abandon.
35) Antonym of undermine: Unearth.
36) What is the antonym of gregarious. Loan Some
37) What is the antonym of assent. Disagree
38) What is the antonym of fluid.airy
39) What is antonym of onerous . Difficult
40) What is the antonym of Concord. Variance
41) What is the antonym of gregarious. Loan Some
42) What is the antonym of assent. Disagree
43) What is the antonym of fluid.airy
44) What is antonym of onerous . Difficult
45) What is the antonym of Concord. Variance
46) Antonym of pristine: Impure.
47) Antonym of vilify: To praise.
48) Antonym of extrovert: Introvert.
49) Antonym of obsolescent: Fashionable.
50) Antonym of celibate: Married.
51) Antonym of despair: Hope.
52) Antonym of candid: Devious.
53) Antonym of apathy: Care.
54) Antonym of pacify: Provoke.
55) Antonym of endear: Estrange.
56) Antonym of stubborn: Docile.
57) Antonym of innocent: Guilty.
58) Antonym of eager: Uninterested.
59) · Inert → Active
60) · Zeal → Apathy
61) · Facsimile → Original
62) · Fickle → Steadfast
63) · Venerate → Despise
64) · Gallant → Cowardly
65) · Anomalous → Usual
66) Choose the antonym of Wearisome → Refreshing
67) · Choose the antonym of Aboriginal → Modern
68) · Antonym of Mephitic → None of these
69) · Antonym of Transience → Permanence
70) · The antonym of Callow → Urbane
71) · The antonym of Scent → Stench
72) · The antonym of Entrench → Destroy
73) · The antonym of Ashamed → Proud (Correction: “Pride” is a noun, “Proud” is the correct adjective antonym)
74) · The antonym of Stale → Fresh
75) · The antonym of Calamity → Blessing (Singular form is more appropriate)
76) · The antonym of Sentimental → Callous
77) · The antonym of Tranquility → Disturbance (“Irritated” is an adjective, not a noun)
78) · The antonym of Cacophony → Harmony (“Calm” is incorrect, as cacophony refers to a harsh mixture of sounds)
79) · The antonym of Callous → Compassionate (“Sentimental” can work but isn’t the strongest choice)
80) The antonym of Sophomoric → Mature/Venerable
81) The antonym of Prudent → Imprudent
82) ● Antonym of Callous → Kind
83) ● Antonym of Kith → Strange
84) ● Antonym of Overwrought → Calm
85) ● Antonym of Revealed → Concealed
86) · Callous → Kind
87) · Kith → Strange
88) · Overwrought → Calm
89) · Revealed → Concealed
90) · Benign → Malevolent
91) · Blooming → Fading
92) · Transmit → Withhold
93) · Animosity → Love
94) The antonym of prudent is imprudent.
95) Antonym of callous is kind.
96) Antonym of kith is strange.
97) The antonym of overwrought is calm.
98) The antonym of revealed is concealed.
99) The antonym of benign is malevolent.
100) The antonym of blooming is fading.
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