35-Directing must be consistent with:
a) Organizational policy
b) Nature of the employee
c) Job description
d) All of these
36-Detailed content of subject is called:
a) Outline b) Course
c) Syllabus d) None of these
37-We may learn while sitting:
a) With parents b) All alone
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
38-To interpret from the text is:
a) Analysis b) Cumulative record
c) Comprehensions d) None of these
39-The elementary students may be more controlled with:
a) Parents b) Corporal punishment
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
40– MCQs must not be imposed upon:
a) Primary school students
b) Secondary school students
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
41-Which is most reliable tool to have the sentiments of respondents?
a) Rating scale b) Interview
c) Qualitative techniques d) None of these
42-Cognitive development deals with:
a) Body b) Mind
c) Spirit d) None of these
43-Period from birth to fourteen days is called?
a) Premature period b) Safe period
c) Neonate period d) None of these
44-Corporal punishment is not beneficial for:
a) Elementary school students
b) Secondary school students
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
45– 1/4 + 1/4 + 0/2 =
a) 4 b) 0
c) 1 d) None of these
*1/2 is correct answer
46– 3√1 =?
a) 0 b) 03
c) 30 d) None of these
47-It is very challenging to teach an______ student:
a) Elementary student
b) Secondary student
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
48-The student is mature enough to do better at the age of:
a) 18 years b) 25 years
c) 28 years d) None of these
49-Types of courses imposed by the parents are:
a) Core course b) Elective course
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
50-Parents would get their aims of education from:
a) Principal b) Society
c) Tradition d) None of these
51-Perennialism focus on:
a) Classroom b) Books
c) Everlasting reality d) None of these
52-We learn too effectively with our:
a) Goals b) Potentials
c) Insights d) None of these
53-Beauty is an _______ essence of life.
a) Ever wanted b) Ever liked
c) Humorous d) None of these
54-To absorb new ideas into existing knowledge is called:
a) Alignment b) Reality
c) Assimilation d) None of these
55-Simulation is to have a good insight into matter by role playing in:
a) Dramas b) Literature
c) Real situation d) None of these
56-We learn easily in simulated:
a) School b) Environment
c) Films d) None of these
57-_____ is the best evaluator of a student.
a) Teacher b) Parents
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
58-_____ of the teacher highly contribute in classroom management.
a) Honesty b) Confidence
c) Personality tests d) None of these
59-A student tends to dropout when he feels:
a) Insult by his class fellows
b) Fear of failure
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
60-The teacher must _____ the exercises, then impose the question upon students.
a) Take b) Do
c) Solve d) None of these
61-Exercise must be included in each chapter to get completed by the:
a) Students b) Teacher
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None
62-Activity involves:
a) Mental and physical activities
b) Mental activities
c) Physical activities d) None of these
63-Class test must be conducted and ________ on the same day.
a) Investigated b) Refined
c) Marked d) None of these
64-CAI stands for:
a) Computer assisted investigation
b) Computer and inquiry
c) Computer associated insights
d) None of these
*Computer Assisted Instruction is correct
65-How much knowledge is gained by writing?
a) 72% b) 65%
c) 91% d) None of these
66-Activity method is highly useful in:
a) Elementary and secondary school
b) Elementary school
c) Secondary school
d) None of these
67-_______ is learning log of student’s achievements?
a) Portfolio b) Results
c) Grades d) None of these
68-Lecture method must be:
a) Teacher centered b) Student centered
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these
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