69-What is the meaning of administration?

a. To look after b. To establish

c. To report d. None of these

70-______ is not the characteristic of authoritative administration.

a. Rudeness b. Suppression of subordinate

c. Sharing d. None of these

71– Supervision of teaching learning process is carried out by:

a. Principal b. Teacher

c. Parents d. None of these

72-The purpose of ______ is coordinating, stimulating and directing the growth of teacher.


a. Supervision b. Inspection

c. Management d. None of these

73-Provision of good educational environment is:

a. Non instructional task

b. Instructional task

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these

74 ______ is called the father of scientific management theory.

a. Henry Fayol b. Fredric Tylor

c. Elton Meo d. None of these

75______ is to motivate the other to achieve certain goal.

a. Planning b. Organizing

c. Leadership d. None of these

76-The function of educational administration and management is:

a. Instructional tasks

b. Non instructional tasks

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these

77-______ is the execution of plans and decisions.

a. Organizing b. Coordinating

c. Commanding d. None of these

78-You have a student who failed in a particular class. How will you motivate this student to study sincerely in the same class?

a. By friend’s counselling

b. by Guardian counselling

c. By Psychological counselling

d. None of these

79-The development of a student’s personality is affected the most by:

a. Discipline at school

b. Emotional climate at home

c. Social orientation of peers

d. None of these

80-______ is conscious effort to assist in the intellectual growth of an individual.

a. Guidance b. Counselling

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these

81______ is helping and guidance to student in making the right choice in their studies:

a. Educational guidance

b. Educational Counselling

c. Educational assistance

d. None of these

82.______ is a process that helps you to know yourself and the world of work in order to make a career.

a. Vocational counseling

b. Career counselling

c. Educational guidance and counselling

d. None of these

83-In general guidance and counselling process is divided in ______ phases.

a. 3 b. 4

c. 05 d. None of these

84-Guidance and counselling phases are:

a. Attending, exploring, goal setting, intervention and finalization

b. Attending, goal setting, finalization

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these

85-Case study is the technique that is used for:

a. Teaching below average students

b. Guidance and counselling

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these

86-There are ______ types of counselling interviews.

a. 02 b. 3

c. 4 d. None of these

* Subjective or unstructured counseling interviews and objective or structured

87-_______ is a systematic approach to interviewing where interviewer ask pre-determined questions.

a. Structured interview

b. Unstructured interview

c. Semi structured interview

d. None of these

88-______ is responsible for setting standards for appointments, promotion and discipline in the public sector.

a. Public service commission

b. Public service communities

c. National labor commission

d. None of these

89-Open university was established under the policy:

a. 1959 b. 1970

c. 1972 d. None

90– Education in Islam is:

a. Value free b. Value full

c. Neutral d. None of these

91-As compared with other professions, the greater lack in teaching is:

a. Training programs

b. Proper social outlook

c. Adequate salary scales

d. None of these

92-The primary responsibility of determining the aims of education is of:

a. Society b. Teacher

c. Parents d. None of these

93-First Educational conference was presided by Quaid-e-Azam in:

a.1947 b. 1948

c. 1949 d. None of these

94-Education Sector Reform (ESR) is an action plan of:

a. 2001-2005 b. 2002-2006

c. 2003-2007 d. None of these

95-Elements of educational process include:

a. Aims, curriculum, medium

b. Aim, curriculum, pedagogy, evaluation

c. Aims, curriculum, administration, medium

d. None of these

96-Cause and effect relationship are studied in studies:

a. Clinical b. Comparative

c. Experimental d. None of these

97-______ refers to a person, place and thing that you are trying to measure.

a. Variable b. Sample

c. Statement of the problem d. None 98______ is selecting one course of action among various alternatives.

a. Coordinating b. Decision making

c. Planning d. None of these

99-______ is the process of directing others towards the accomplishment of objectives.

a. Managing b. Leadership

c. Communication d. None of these

100- The main schools of management thoughts are:

a. Classical, human relation, system, contingency

b. Scientific, technical, social, human relation

c. Comprehensive, human resources, systems

d. None of these human resources, s


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