26. The best method for mentally retorted children is
A. Project method
B. Recitation method
C. Heuristic method
D. Lecture method
27. Which is the method in which the discussion is carried by a teaching assistant (TA)?
A. Recitation method
B. Discussion method
C. Heuristic method
D. Lecture method
28. In Discussion method students gain
A. Self-confidence
B. Cooperation is learned
C. Respect for other
D. All of above
29. The activities that can be performed in the
Discussion method are ?
A. Holding debate
B. Holding seminar
C. Holding a symposium29. The activities that can be performed in the
Discussion method are ?
A. Holding debate
B. Holding seminar
C. Holding a symposium
D. All of above
30. A method in which a small group assembles to communicate with each other using
speaking listening and nonverbal processes
in order to achieve instructional objectives
is called
A. Recitation method
B. Project method
C. Lecture method
D. Discussion method
31. The first phase or step in Discussion method is?
A. Phrasing the discussion question
B. Choosing the discussion to topic
C. Discussion strategy
D. All of above
32. Second step in Discussion method is?
A. Choosing discussion topic
B. Phrasing discussion question
C. Outlining the topic
D. All of above
33. The third step in Discussion method is?
A. Outlining the topic
B. Phrasing discussion question
C. Choosing discussion topic
D. All of the above
34. The Fourth step in Discussion method is?
A. Choosing the topic
B. Phrasing questions
C. Outlining the Topic
D. Planning Discussion Strategy
26. B 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. D 31. B 32. B 33. A 34. D
35. Constraints in Discussion method are?
A. Trade of time
B. Class sizes
C. Physical space
D. All of above
36. Famous form and type of Discussion method is/are
A. The symposium
B. The panel discussion Information group discussion Formalized group discussion
C. Institutional forms of socialized procedure
D. All of above
37. in this type of discussion three or more persons present their views on a several side question or topic
A. Panel discussion
B. Socialized procedure
C. The Symposium
D. All of above 38. In which type of discussion few people with different backgrounds and experience discuss a thing while others listen?
A. Panel discussion
B. The symposium
C. Socialized procedure
D. All of above
39. In which method of teaching students assimilate and integrate information they have initially acquired from reading or lecture?
A. Lecture method
B. Discussion method
C. Project method
D. Heuristic method
40. In which method of teaching there are chances for deviation from the main topic or theme?
A. Lecture method
B. Project method
C. Discussion method
D. Heuristic method
41. Which is psychological and economical method of teaching?
A. Lecture method
B. Demonstration method
C. Recitation method
D. Discussion method
42. Armstrong is the exponent of strategy of teaching.
A. Lecture method
B. Project method
C. Discussion method
D. Heuristic method
43. The term “heuristics”has been borrowed from the word “Heurises”which means ?
A. Discover
B. Investigate
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B Answer-Key
35. D 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. C 41. B 42. D 43. C
44. Heuristic Method is based upon the assumption the learner should be told as little as possible and he should be encouraged to learn himself as much as possible Whose idea was the Heuristic Method of teaching?
A. John Dewey
B. Rousseau
C. Aristotle
D. Herbert Spencer
45. Pollio and Dankar in 1945 mentioned heuristic Strategy in the article entitled.
A. Innovative methods
B. New method
C. Problem solving
D. All of above
46. The limitations of Heuristic method
A. Cannot be used for lower classes
B. May be Time consuming
C. Can’t be employed on large classes
D. All of above
47. What is a problematic act carried to completion in its natural setting?
A. Lecture method
B. Discussion method
C. Project method
D. Recitation method
48. is used to achieve cognitive and affective objectives?
A. Recitation method
B. Project method
C. Lecture method
D. All of above
49. The project method of teaching has
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
50. The First and second steps in Project
method of teaching are?
A. Provision of situation
B. Selection of objectives
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
51. The First and second steps in Problem solving method is
A. Location
B. Explanation
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
57. The third and fourth steps in problem solving method are?
A. Collection of data
B. Evaluation
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
58. The Fifth and Sixth steps in problem solving method are?
A. Tentative solutions
B. Verification of results
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
59. Problem solving method has steps?
A. 3 B. 6
C. 1 D. 4
44. D 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. C 50. C 51. c 57. C 58. C 59. B
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