- The word ‘buzz’ means resulting noise.
- Class is divided into small group, whole group start discussing the topics simultaneously in Buzz session
- Buzz session is a discussion strategy
- Hines, Cruickshank and Kennedy found a link betweenteacher clarity and student achievement and satisfaction.
- Hines, Cruickshank and Kennedy identified twelve behaviors that contribute to instructional clarity
- Mr Black discussed the idea of making pupils accountable for the questions and answers within the room. He uses the acronym of ‘SLANT’
- SLANT stands for Sit up, Listen, ask question, no talking, track teacher
- Concept of COIK fallacy clear only if known was given byEdgar Dale in demonstration
- COIK fallacy is the assumption that what is clear to the expert demonstratoris also clearly known to students.
- 03 guiding principle for demonstration given by Edgar Dale in (1969) areEstablish rapport. Avoid COIK, Watch key points
- Steps in demonstration method are 03 introduction, development& integration/application.
- When teacher presents carefully selected objects to the students in the classroom and poses a problem and allows students to collect information about the object, then formulate answers to the presented problem Artifact strategy
- An object made by a student, typically one of cultural or historical interest. Artifact
- Edgar Dale given idea of Cone of Learning
- Cone of Learning is also called Learning Pyramid
- “Learning by doing” is also known as “Experiential learning” or “action learning”.
- Cone of Learning focused onLearning by doing
- According to Dale’s Cone of Learning, learning from a Lecture method is only 5%
- According to Dale’s Cone of Learning, learning from a teaching others is only 90%
- William Kilpatrick’s is founder of Project Method, he divided project into 4 Types
- When learners construct some things related to social life. E.g., charts, models, maps, parcels etc. Constructive projects
- These projects are generally allotted in the aesthetic fields of life. E.g., in music, drawing, painting art and culture.
- Projects are given to solve the problems related to any life-situation Problem-solving.
- A team of students is assigned a work to be performed. E.g., to develop a garden in the school. Group-work.
- Johan Deweywas exponent of Project method.
- First step of project method is topic selection ( problem identification)
- It is a Situational, inquiry-based method of teaching whereby students are permitted to interact with environment, explore & manipulate objects and find solutions to problems,at their own pace, often jointly in group activities, either independent of or under the guidance of a teacher Discovery Learning
- Steps for Discovery Learning04 Motivation, Structure, Sequence, Reinforcement
- Concepts of Discovery learning (also called cognitive learning theory Concept of Spiral curriculum(1966), Concept of Scaffolding was given by Jerome Brunner.
- Concept of meaningful learning through structure ofcontent and discovery was presented by Jerome
- Modes are ways in which information is stored and encodedin the memory
- Brunner identified03 modes for encoding an information
- The Enactive Mode(first 18 months) {action-based information} also called concrete stage, involves encoding of action-based information.
- The Iconic Mode(18 months-6 years) {image-based} Information is stored in the mind as images or other visuals
- The Symbolic Mode(7 years-onwards) {Abstract stage, words/symbols/language} information is stored in the form of code or symbol
- when students begin leaning with an activity designed to lead them to concepts or conclusions Discovery Teaching
- An adaptation of discovery learning, in which the teacher provides some direction in discovering the concepts is Guided Discovery
- Discovery Learning is related to Piaget’s cognitive development theory, Vygotsky’s concept that language develop cognition
- In discovery learning students discover solution in group form, while in Heuristic learners discover solution individually.
- “Teaching method which involve placing students in an attitude of discovery during teaching learning process”. Heuristic Method
- “Heuristic” is derived from Greek word Heuriskeinmeaning To investigate/Discover
- The term “heuristic” refers to Armstrong who was the exponent of this strategy.
- Heuristic Methodis based on the psychological principles of “trial and error” theory
- Discovery method is advanced method of Heuristic Method, Inquiry Method.
- Pollion and Dankar1945 metioned Heuristic strategy in their article “problem solving”
- Teaching method based upon the assumptions of Herbert Spencerthat the learner, should be told as little as possible is Heuristic method.
- “Activity based learning means that the teacher incorporates activities of some type in teaching to make students learn”. Activity method was given by Johan Dewey
- Meaning of activity state of being active.
- Activity involvesphysical & mental action
- Any instructional activity that emphasizes students working with objects relevant to the content being studies Hands-On Activity
- “Small groups of students (3-4) work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning” (Johnson, and smith) Cooperative Learning
- Think pair share technique was introduced by: Frank Lyman in 1981
- Think pair share is idea of: cooperative learning
- Material and work is divided into each members: jigsaw
- Two or more students work together: cooperative learning
- The best method for teaching the mathematic is cooperative learning.
- When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy he/she is using is the Cooperative Review
- The teaching approach in which students share knowledge with other students through a variety of structures, is known as Cooperative Learning Model
- The cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus heterogeneous small groups is termed as Circles of learning
- The essential characteristic of cooperative learning is Positive interdependence
- A teacher use cooperative learning, inquiry based and project-based learning approaches in creating their digital unit plans. What can be developed among the learners through these approaches? construction of knowledge and information exchange
- Cooperative learning is a form of: Constructivism
- When the teacher forms different groups among the students that take turns asking other groups questions the strategy, he/she is using is the? Cooperative Review
- The cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus heterogeneous small groups is Circles of learning given byRoger & David Johnson
- Which from the following is termed as student-centered learning method? Inquiry-Based Learning Cooperative learning
- Number of student in cooperative learning are 3-4.
- Cooperative learning is an alternative to Competitive Model
- Which is not accountable in cooperative learning individual or groups Both
- ExponentsCooperative Learning Method Roger & David Johnson, Sir James Britton
- Groups ask questions from other groups strategy is called Cooperative Review
- Each team member is responsible for learning specific part of a topic. Each student learn content from members of other groups & then teach to his own group Jigsaw
- It is often used with narrative materials Jigsaw
- Students thinks a solution of a problem individually, then share with his pair mate and then share with whole class Think-Pair-Share
- Numbered Heads TogetherA team of four is established. Each student is given a number 1,2,3,4. Questions are asked, and groups work together. Teacher calls any number who will give answer
- Student sit in a circle, teacher assign topic, one students writes points of all other who one by one give their ideas in circular form.Round Robin Brainstorming
- The teacher ask who will solve problem, brilliant students raise students, other students from different groups learn from these students & return to their groups and teach their group fellow Circle of the Sage
- Each student is provided three tickets with a specific amount of ‘‘airtime’’. Students speak by using these tickets Talking tickets
- Class sit in 2 circles inner & outer, inner circle face outward while outer circle face inward each pair in front talk sometime and the change their position clockwise Talking circle. Talking circleare also called onion Rings or words wheel
- 02 theories support Cooperative learning
- Objective, grouping, interaction, results are components of Structure-Process-Product Theory of cooperative learning
- Determines how individuals interact, which in turn creates outcomes.Social-Inter-Depend Theory of cooperative learning
- Problem solving methodis also called Scientific Method.
- An educational device where the teacher and students attempt in a conscious, planned and purposeful effort to arrive at an explanation is known as problem solving method
- Problem solving method is used to train pupils’ mind by confronting them with real problems and giving them the opportunity and freedom to solve them
- In problem solving method, a systematic and orderly process is adopted for carrying outthe teaching-learning process
- A manner of dealing a problamatic situation Problem solving method
- There 02 types of problem solving method Inductive and deductive.
- The steps to be taken in problem solving method are 5 (problem identification, hypothesis, data collection, data analysis, Solution)
- Problem solving involves reflective thinking
- Problem solving method help the learner to think critically and independently
- Important step after problem identification in problem solving method is Hypothesis
- Technique for motivating students by helping them believe they can “do things.” Affirmations
- Deductive method given by Aristotlein book Prior Analytics is also called syllogism
- According to Aristotle There are two premise major and minor. In deduction conclusion is derived from major to minor premise.
- The deductive approach is teacher- dominated. It begins with abstract rule, generalization, principle and ends with specific examples, and concrete details.
- Deductive methodis also called a deductive instruction, deduction, deductive reasoning and deductive thinking.
- It is “General to specific” or “Theory to observation” Deductive method
- It is “Rules to examples” or “Top-down approach” Deductive method
- It is “abstract to concrete, major to minor premise” Deductive method
100-Steps in deductive methods are Theory à Hypothesis à Observation à Confirmation