• A Graphic organizer is a visual toolthat helps students organize and structure information in a visual and meaningful way
  • A Venn diagramconsists of overlapping circles used to compare and contrast two or more concepts, ideas, or objects. It helps students identify similarities and differences.
  • A Mind mapis a hierarchical diagram that branches out from a central idea. It allows students to visually organize and connect related concepts, ideas, and details.
  • A flowchart is a diagram that presents a sequence of steps/events. It helps students understand processes and decision-making by visualizing the flow of information
  • A KWLchart is divided into three sections: “What I Know,” “What I Want to Know,” and “What I Learned.” It helps students activate prior knowledge, set learning goals, and reflect on what they have learned.
  • A Concept mapis a visual representation of relationships between concepts. It uses labeled arrows to show connections and hierarchies, b/w different elements.
  • A T-chartdivides information into two columns, allowing students to compare and contrast two opposing ideas, arguments, or viewpoints.
  • A Timelineis a linear representation of events in chronological order. It helps students understand the sequence of historical events, story plots, or scientific processes.
  • A Tree diagramis a branching structure that represents hierarchical classifications. It is useful for organizing and categorizing information e.g., classification of living organisms
  • Serial # 2-9 are examples of Graphic organizer
  • It is like a roadmap or preview that helps students understand the main ideas, or steps that will be covered in a lesson or activity, it help students make connections b/w new information and their existing knowledge or experiences. Advance organizer
  • It is a tool or framework used in teaching and learning to provide an overview of upcoming content, activate prior knowledge, and provide a structure for organizing new information. Advance organizer
  • According to Francis Galton a Polymathis a person who is extremely knowledgeable and successful in a wide range of fields.
  • Intentionally reproducing to improve desired traits & remove undesirable traits. Eugenics
  • Concept of Polymath and Eugenics are related toFrancis Galton
  • People actually (unconsciously) encode aspects of personality into the language they use it is Lexical hypothesis theory
  • Who coined the term Nature & NurtureFrancis Galton
  • TPACK stands for Technological pedagogical content knowledge
  • TPACK model was propounded by Kohler & Mishra in 2006
  • TPACK model has 3 components Content, pedagogy, Technology
  • TPACK model focuses on how Content, pedagogy, Technology can be used in integrated from
  • Which king introduced reading & writing simultaneously Akbar
  • Man is forced to learn said by Ibn-e-Khaldun
  • He saw the potential of fingerprints as systems of personal identification in criminality Francis Galton
  • Synonym of pedagogy is Teaching
  • The tendency to link positive/negative qualities of person with his other positive or negative qualities about which information is not available is calledHalo Effect
  • Halo Effect was introduced by US psychologist Edward Thorndikein 1920
  • Halo Effect is also called Halo error is based on  Cognitive biasness
  • This is the concept that in most organisation individuals are promoted out of their actual field of competence Peter Principle
  • Progressivism means “Made of thought
  • In the SVIB (Strong Vocational Interest Blank), individuals are asked to express their preferences for various groups of items based on their vocational interests.
  • Revised name of SVIB is Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory SCII
  • SVIB is a psychological assessment tool used to measure individual’s vocational interests and career involves preferences in terms of like/dislike/indifferent.
  • Students are placed in separate groups (class) based on their perceived academic ability, whole group is  separately taught by the teacher Ability grouping
  • A most appropriate Graph used for nominal data (nominal scale) Bar graph
  • Which other graph can be used for  nominal scale Pie Chart
  • Bar graph and Pi Chart are also used for Ordinal scale.
  • Histogram, line graph, Scatter plot graphs are used for Interval scale
  • Histogram, line graph, Scatter plot, and Box & Whisker graphs are used forRatio scale.
  • Learning a language is Both Art and Science.
  • Curriculum which reflect culture of society is called Reflective curriculum
  • Mnemonic Devices/Tools are memory aidsthat help individuals remember information more easily by associating it with something.
  • Examples of Mnemonics are Acronym, loci method, acrostics, key word, peg words
  • This technique involves associating each item you want to remember with a specific location or place. Method of Loci
  • Creating a sentence or phrase in which each word’s first letter represents the first letter of a series of items to remember for example BODMAS is called Acrostics
  • It helps to remember and recall a list of items/concepts in a specific order. Each peg word is associated with a number, and the items to be remembered are mentally linked using vivid and memorable mental imagery. “Peg words” or Anchor words
  • It refers to the ability to think and reflect on language as an object of studyMetalinguistic awareness
  • The concept that there is no inherent limit or fixed number of possible sentences in a language. Speakers can produce an infinite number of grammatically correct expressions by applying the rules and structures of their language. Infinitive Generativity
  • The teacher serves as the primary source of information, and students passively receive the information like lecturing in Telling method of teaching
  • It involves visually demonstrating or displaying information to students, use of concrete objects visual aids, multimedia presentations, videos, or models to enhance the understanding  like demonstration The showing method
  • It emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning, where students actively engage in tasks or activities related to the subject. Like activity, project The doing method
  • There are two types of Educational Agencies
  • Formal Agency (School, College, University) These are active Agencies
  • Informal Agency (Family, Mosque, TV) These are Passive Agencies
  • A process which blends carrier education goal into existing subject matter of all academic grades is called infusion. Infusion Education:
  • : It is nursery education or pre-primary education teaching of children from 3-5 years before starting formal education is called early childhood education. ECE-Education
  • ECE-Education is renamed as early childhood care and education (ECCE).
  • “Facts, information, or skill acquired by education” Knowledge
  • Revealed knowledge:Knowledge that comes from revelation.
  • Empirical knowledge: Also called sensory knowledge/Sense perception which is obtained from sensory experience (from 5 senses, seeing 75%, listening 13%, touch 6%, smell 3%, taste 3%). Unintuitive, not innate science is paradigm of knowledge. E.g., touching a hot metal causes burns.
  • Rational knowledge: Knowledge that is derived from rationale or reason, intuitive, innate, math is paradigm of knowledge. E.g., 10 – 5 = 5, earth attract objects, decision making, problem solving. (Allama Ibne-khuldon named it as Tabi-ul-Uloom/Aqli uloom)
  • Irrational knowledge.Knowledge which is not based on logical reasons or clear thinking. For example Superstitions, unfounded fears. (Ibne-khuldon named it as Uloom-e-Taqleed/Naqli uloom)
  • InstinctKnowledge is gain without any efforts
  • Substantive: knowledge based on factual information and second
  • Syntactical: knowledgerelated to thinking or thought process.
  • Derived from Greek wordHeuriskein (meaning self). Coined by Haze & Kenyon in It is study of self-determined learning, learning according to ones’ own needs, preferences and interests from his desired learning resources. Heutagogy 
  • Teaching and learning via computer, internet and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is called Cybergogy. Cybergogy
  • There are Three Modalitiesof teaching
  • In-Face  modality involves Physical teaching as in schools, college universities
  • Hybrid modalityis blend of physical and online (Blended, virtual, Flipped etc.)
  • Online modalityinvolves use of virtual, digital and internet services for teaching and learning(Virtual, MOOCs, LMS, MOODLE)
  • The four core learning styleswhich include Visual, Auditory, Reading and writing, and Kinesthetic
  • Learning styles are also called Modalities of learning.
    • Visual Learnersable to retain information when it’s presented to them in a graphic depiction, such as arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols, 
    • Auditorylearner; It is also called “aural” learners, auditory learners prefer listening to information that is presented to them vocally
    • Reading and writing; focusing on the written word, reading and writing learners succeed with written information and textual resources.
    • Kinesthetic Learners; Taking a physically active role, kinesthetic learners are hands-on and thrive when engaging all their senses during course work.
  • The theory explaining that different types of learning require different types of teaching is called Theory of conditions of learning (Robert Gagne)
  • “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearnsaid by Alvin Toffler
  • Unlearn means To discard from one’s memory (something learned, especially false or outdated information)
  • Relearn means to learn (something) again.
  • Blended learning: style of learning where students learn via online media as well as face to face (physical) teaching. It has 4 types
  • Flipped learning: students complete reading at their homes (by online guidelines of teacher) and work on problem solving during class time.
  • Enrich virtual blended learning:  complete learning tasks online and come to school for support from teacher on need basis.
  • Flex learning model: provision of previous recorded study material online and teaching and use class time for active learning
  • Individual rotational model: students rotate from in person learning to online learning on a schedule or as determined by teacher.
  • Online learning/virtual:  learning which uses network as a main source, internet-based learning
  • Embedded learning: learning combines acquisition of knowledge with vocational skills, simply it is learning with doing a task
  • Domains of learning:Cognitive domain, Conative domain (Psychomotor), Affective domain are 03 domains of learning.
  • Five dimensions of Learning: Why- What-When-Where- How. These are also called 4W and 1 H of Learning
  • Why (objective), What (topic), When (time), Where (classroom), How (method)
  • Contemporary learningmaking available the modern gadgets, online resources in class along with physical class student are able to search out their problems by using internet.
  • Augmented learningalso known as augmented reality (AR) in education, refers to the integration of digital content and virtual elements into the physical learning environment
  • ConnectivisimConnecting classroom with internet sources and making students able to search and find solutions of their problems.
  • In ConnectivisimLearner connected to each other by technology & construct learning.
  • Adaptive learninga web-based/Software based platform. The software contains all of the important information related to the class and is able to guide the students along in their learning,
  • Facilitative learning;Students ask questions, discover answers and apply their knowledge to a real-world problem. Teacher involves learners in learning
  • 4As of facilitative learning ActivityAnalysisAbstractionApplication
  • Critical pedagogy of Paulo Firer and facilitative learning are similar terms

100- aims of education are acquired through curriculum and aims of curriculum are borrowed from philosophy and society


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