01. Education is a process through which a_____ transmit its collected excellence to the next generations:

a) Society                 b) Individual

c) Group                 d) None

02. Who said “Education is the process of development of the mind and the body of man so that he/ she eagerly pursues the ideal perfection of citizenship”:

a) Allama Iqbal                 b) Socrates

c) Ibne -Rushed                 d) Plato

03._______ education is the process of training & development of the abilities of individuals in a certified program:

a) Formal                   b) Informal 

c) Both of these                   d) None of these

04.  ______education refers to the education, which is conducted in formal educational institutions for the achievement of pre-determined goals:

a) Formal                   b) Informal

c) Both of these                   d) None of these

05. ______education refers to the education, which happens outside of the context of a formal structured educational institution:

a) Formal                   b) Non-formal

c) Informal                   d) None of these

06. A ______ stresses the self-realization aspects of education:

a) Moralist                   b) Spiritualist

c) Both of these                   d) None of these

07.  The epistemological concepts of Al-Gazali is found in his famous book “Ihya Ul-Umid-Din” which in English means:

a) Aims of education     

b) Revival of Fiqh

c) The Regeneration of sciences                              d) None of these

§ revival of religious science

08. Ibn-e-Khaldun said, the revealed knowledge is the real knowledge. It is the concept of:

a) Epistemology             b) Ontology                           c) Axiology                         d) None of these

09. The chief source for the accomplishments of the aim of education is:

a) Teacher                 b) Curriculum

c) Method of teaching      d) Evaluation

10. Examinations are linked with:

a) Formal Education 

b) Informal Education             

c) Semi-formal Education 

d) Both A & B

11. Through the process of educational evaluation the educationist:

a) Rearrange the instructional content                   b) Rearrange the methods of teaching

c) Rearrange the instructional content & methods of teaching

 d) None of these

12. The process of the curriculum is:

a) Dynamic                 b) Traditional         

c) Non flexible             d) Non-dynamic

13. The word “Curriculum” has been derived from the Latin word:

a) Currium                   b) Courier      

 c) Courium                   d) None of these

14. In the process of curriculum development the first step is:

a) The selection or method of teaching                         b) The determination of aim                      

c) The selection of curricular content                    

d) The selection of the modes of evaluation

15.  E.L Thorndike is a famous for:

a) Lesson making

b) Scientific investigation

c) Drill upon learning                                  

 d) None of these

16. Theory of “Anxiety” is related to”  

a) Freud                      b) Maslow

c) Miller                       d) None of these

17. Who developed the curriculum of Dars-e-Nazami?

a) Aurangzeb                   

 b) Shah Wali-u-Allah                      

 c) Fath-u-Allah Sherazi              

d) Mulla Nazaim-ud-Din Sahalvi

18. Which of the following was the chief concern of Dars –e- Nizami curriculum? 

a) Quran                          b) Hadith    

c) Mathematics                d) Philosophy

19. Who established Madrasa Nizamia of Baghdad?

a) Walid Bin Abdual Malik                        

b) Nazam ul Mulik

 c) Haroon Rasheed                              

 d) Mamoon Rasheed

20. Due to the efforts for educating the people in the period of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H):

a) One-fourth of the population became literate                     

b) Three-fourths of the population became literate                                 

c) More than half of the population became literate                          

d) The whole half of the population became literate                          

21. According to Ibn-e-Khaldun the fountainhead of revealed knowledge is:

a)  Quran                       b) Jurisprudence                    c) Mathematics               d) Logic

22. The concept of prohibited knowledge was presented by:

a) Sir Syed Ahmad          b) Ibn-e-Khaldun

c) Al Ghazali                   d) Rousseau

23. Who said “Instruction in foreign language is half instruction”?

a) John Dewy               b) Pestalozzi

c) Al Ghazali                   d) Ibn-e-Khaldun 

24. Avicenna’s book “Al Shifa “deals with:

a) Chemistry                  b) Mathematics                   

c) Biology                     d) All of these

25: Avicenna has divided knowledge into:

a) Three broad categories 

b) Four broad categories

c) Five broad categories

d) Six broad categories

26. According to Avicenna, the advance sciences:

a) Have no concern with matter                                                     b) Have direct concern with matter                                                     

c) Have no concern with wisdom                                                     d) None of these

27. Which of the following stage of the life is the most appropriate for learning near Zarnogi

a) Boyhood                          

b) Neo-adolescence               

c) Adolescence                    

d) Neo-adolescence & adolescence

28. Which of the following timing is appropriate for learning near Zarnogi

a) After evening                

b) After deep evening                                    

c) Before dawn                  

d) Morning

29. Zarnogi holds that writing of two letters with understanding is better than:

a) Memorization of two big books                 

 b) Memorization of three big books                               

 c) Memorization of four big books                                                 

  d) Memorization of a whole book                 

30. Who holds the sixth sense is a supervisor form of intellect?

a) Al Ghazali                         b) Khaldun

c) Avicenna                          d) Zarnogi 


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