1. The formation of research hypothesis requires

A) Data collection

B) Statistical Analysis

C) Research Methodology

D) Review of relates literature

2. “How the local problems are solved” is a topic of  Research

A) Basic B) Applied

C) Evaluation D) Action

3. Planning the test involves major steps

A) six              B) Three

C) Four              D) five

4. Histogram or frequency histogram consists

of the set of

A) Lines B) curves

C) Rectangle D) Blocks

5. A test is said to be if it is easy to be administer, easy to interpret and has

suitable time requirements

A) Valid B) practical

C) Reliable D) Objectivity

6. Early childhood period is from……….

A) 0 to 6 B) 1 to 6

C) 2 to 6 D) 3 to 6

7. Which of the following children is most likely imitate the violence he or she needs on TV?

A) A boy from permissive lower class family

B) A boy from permissive middle class family

C) A girl from permissive lower class family

D) A girl from permissive middle class family

8. Truth in experimentation means that

A) Deception cannot be used in research 

B) Falsified results are caused for prosecution

C) The government must be informed of all human research

D) The results of human research must be made public

9. In the new education policy 2009 ICTs stands for

A) Instruction communication technologies

B) Information communication technologies

C)In formation computer technologies

D) None of these

10. Athenian systems of education used for moral training

A) Scholar               B) War slaves 

C) Both A and B     D) None of these

11. Whether or not the learner has profited from his school experiences must be judged in terms of the power of adaption to present and future life requirements that he has achieved as a result of his………….

A) Learning attitudes

B) Learning experiences 

C) Learning abilities

D) Learning traits

12. The measurements and appraisal of ……involves more than an examination of outcomes, Processes and purposes are important as these are the educational evaluation.

A) attitudes                B) Teaching

C) Learning              D) Growth

13. Associated with conceptual enquiry style are curriculum development ….… innovation strategies and the use of techniques from other disciplins.

A) Education evaluation

B) Educational philosophy 

C) Educational technology

D) educational Psychology

14. which is informal education? that which happens…………

A) Through non formal schools

B) Through cultural activities

C) Through mass media

D) Through B and C

15. Cattel, a psychologist that has been given credit for introducing the term metal….

A) Test               B) Approaches

C) Experiences   D) Abilities

16. When Galton setup the first laboratory to measure human characteristics?

A) 1854             B) 1864

C) 1874       D) 1884

17. The parents, the teacher, the child himself and the guidance counsellor or specialist all should work cooperatively towards the rehabilitation of a…………

A) society           B) Disabled child

C) Fad child        D) maladjusted child

18. As supervision has developed into an integral part of the total pattern of

A) guidance        B) growth

C) education      D) evaluation

19. The level of understanding and the amount of experience of each teacher are essential consideration in evaluating and diagnosing………

A) teaching performance 

B) Actual performance

C) coordination   D) Evaluation

20. The concept of mental age was

introduced by …… is a helpful technique

in the interpretation of raw test scores

A) Binet B) Goddard

C) Terman D) Merril

21. Broadly speaking, Education begins at ……….

A) Birth B) nursery

C) primary         D) board exams

22. Achievement refers to……….

A) Success in competing with peers

B) the speed of acquiring new material

C) Things children have learned

D) All of these

23. The school curriculum, specially provide

for developing fundamental skills through

kinds of activity, including artwork,

 craft, manual labor and out of

school expenditure

A) early                B) middle   

C) primary    D) Islamic

24. Present day philosophy of education lays emphasis upon the adjustment of whole individual, mentally and ……….

A) socially            B) politically

C) chemically       D) correctly

25. It is well to observe that Is always a mean to an end and never an end itself.

A) Measurement    B) observation

C) Evaluation      D) Training

26. The child who is nervous, a-social, aggressive or shy cannot obtain the

maximum benefit from his…….

A) childhood      B) learning experiences

C) environment      D) Educational program

27. Which of these is complex activity?

A) Learning to write

B) Learning to express

C) Learning to read   

D) Learning to understand

28. Paradigms means……….

A) an example          B) A basic theory

C) A conceptual framework

D) All of these

29. Behaviourism as a school of thought owes its origin to ………….

A) J.B Watson (1878-1958)

B) William James ( 1842- 1910)

C) William Wandt (1832-1920)

D) Alfred Adier (1870-1937)

30. An individual psychological makeup can be measured by the…..Test

A) Achievement       B) Intelligence

C) Performance        D) Personally test



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