Q1: It is always said that, “As is the Head Master, so will be the
(A) Curriculum (B) School
(C) Child (D) All of these
Q 02: Head master, as a supervisor, should see that the instructions are given according to the needs of…
(A) Community (B) Society
(C) Learner (D) All of these
Q 03: The instructional improvement in a certain school, depends upon ___________
(A) Co-operation (B) Motivation
(C) Ideal supervision (D) All of them
Q 04 : “The violation of___________ is an irregularity which can only be permitted under exceptional Circumstances”
(A) School discipline
(B) Educational management
(C) School time table (D) Both (A) & (C)
Q 05: “A world whose ……are un reformed is an un-reforms world”
(A) Individuals (B) Teachers
(C) Schools (D) All of these
Q 06: The basic system of the school regards the child as the_____________whose needs must be studies and understood, catered and fulfilled.
(A) Educational consumer
(B) Social consumer
(C) Economical consumer (D) All
Q 07: The whole spirit or morale of school administration the fundamentally optimistic, is the principle of__________
(A) Co-ordination (B) Efficiency
(C) Relative values (D) None of these
Q 08: Educational Psychology was given its practical bent by
(A) Terman (B) Paterson
(C) Cattel (D) Thorndike.
Q 09 : The degree to which the test can successfully be employed by class teacher’s administrators is called__________
(A) Validity, (B) Reliability
(C) Usability (D) Objectivity.
Q 10: Benjamin Blooms has given domains of objectives of education.
(A) Thrice (B) Five (C) Six (D) Eight
Q 11: Evaluation of the learners is a systemic process of collecting and analyzing data in order to
(A) Get in form (B)Give value
(C) Measure quality (D) make decisions.
Q12: A group of tasks or questions to which a students is to respond is a
(A) Test (B) Measurement
(C) Evaluation ( D) Examination
Q 13: In a school, an individual, s permanent record include his complete information about achievement health etc. Is called
(A) School administration
(B) Class management
(C) Cumulative record ( D) All
Q 14: One of the headmaster’s duty is to use research ___________ imparting Education in formal system
(A) As formality (B) As hobby
(C) As problem identification
(D) As a knowledge advancement
Q 15 : The philosophy of the basic efficiency principle approach in organizational system had advocated by
(A) F.W Taylor (B) Henry Fayol
(C) Erickson (D) None
Q 16: In a school system, the efficiency of the work is measured by supervision, cooperation, motivation and
(A) Services of a headmaster
(B) Procedure adopted
(C)Time Table ( D) Both A & C
Q 17: School supervision is the process by which _______is given where and when is needed.
(A) Demonstration (B) Guidance
(C) Assistance (D) All of these
Q 18: Basically, Laissez Faire type of school supervision is theory in _________discipline
(A) School organization
(B) Educational Curriculum
(C) Economics (D) Both A &B
Q19: One of the characteristics of coercive type of educational supervisions _________is (A) Teachers are left free
(B) promote leadership
(C) Uplift quality (D) None of these.
Q20: It is a complete denial of supervisor’s roles as a professional head in education.
(A) Laissez Faire (B) coercive
(C) Both A and B (D) None of these.
Q21: In management process, Taylor has described _________ of mental revolution (A) Two parts (B) Two parts
(C)Three parts (D) None of these
Q22: __________ helps the headmaster to find out causes that hinder the all-round round development of the learners.
(A) Evaluation (B) Guidance
(C) Examination (D) Both A & B
Q23: ________ is a wider terms than examinations, covering all the changes taking place in the development of a balanced personality
(A) Rating scale (B) Interview
(C) Evaluation (D) All of these .
Q24:________- directs the teachers energy and attention by placing proper persons at their proper places at the proper time in proper manner.
(A) Planning (B) Organizing
(C) School plan (D) School time table
Q25:________ is an institution, setup by the society to develop well balanced personalities
(A) Community (B) Social network
(C) School organization (D) School.
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