PAST PAPER 02 (SST-Bio 2024 Pedagogy) AJKPSC

01-The term curriculum is a——word meaning “the course of chariot race

French B. Latin

English D. German

02-There are—- key elements of curriculum development

04 B. 5

7 D. 9

03: The society, the knowledge, the learner, the learner process, are four main factors of

Situational analysis

Formulation of objectives of Curriculum

Selection of contents and scope


04: Demands of the society, international needs, level and age of the learner or student, methods of content organization, quantity and qualification of teaching staff are some of the factors of

Situational analysis

Formulation of objectives

Selection of content and scope of curriculum


05: According to Angel sam ——— is a plane for learning whereas—– is a process of perfecting the personality

Curriculum, Education

Book, content

Education, curriculum

Syllabi, education

06: Syllabi must satisfy the following conditions except

Based on the need of learner

Content should be focused on attaining the objectives

Subject Expert

Take into account the existing knowledge and the environmental experience of the learners

07: Collaborative learning, discussion and debates, interactive sessions, loud reading and storytelling are some of the categories of

Classroom Interactions

Curriculum development

Teaching methodology

Aim of the curriculum

08: It is the responsibility of the—— to create a learning atmosphere inside the classroom



Institution administration

Parents of the learner

09: In different communication ways,—— means anything that a teacher or student speaks aloud

A verbal               B. Non verbal

Written D. None of these (Oral)

10: Instead of telling a student to “stop talking”,  a teacher could use —— communication method by moving toward the disruptive  student’s desk so that he /she stop talking 


Non verbal

Written communication

None of these

11: The following are the factors affecting communication except

A status

Cultural differences

Use of language


12: Inappropriate punctuations also change meaning of the sentence which affects the communication. for example: women, without her, man is nothing. or women, without her man, is nothing. this is an example of


Cultural differences

Use of language


13: Charts, Pictures, Photographs, Maps, Diagrams, and Drawing are some of the examples of

3D course material

2D course material

1D course material

verbal communication

14: summative evaluation occurs in the—–of a program cycle

Middle B. End

Start D. During the class

15: The following are some of the examples of formative assessment except

One minute paper

Mid semester evaluation

End term evaluation

Direct paraphrase

16: The dictionary meaning of —— is consistency, dependence of trust

Reliability B. Validity

Objectivity D. Usability

17: which of the following methods determining reliability coefficiency EXCEPT

Test-retest method

Equivalent form

Spilt- half method

Mid term evaluation

18: ——– means truth-fullness of a test

Reliability B. Validity

Objectivity D. Usability

19: Unclear direction to the students, difficulty of the reading vocabulary, too easy or too difficult of test items, length of the test is too short are some of the factors affecting:

Reliability B. Validity

Objectivity D. Usability

20: Educational administration covers all forms of education except:

Formal education

General education

Non formal education and adult education

D classroom

01-: Which of the following is the first Education center for a child?

  1. Home B. School
  2. Community     D. Society

02: The foundation stone of the Islamic education is——?

  1. Knowledge       B. Word Iqra
  2. Teacher             D. All of these

03: “Non-formal education” is also known

  1. Distance education
  2. School education   

C University education

  1. Distinct education

4: Which teaching method involves students working together in small groups to achieve a common goal

  1. Lecture
  2. Direct instruction
  3. Cooperative learning
  4. Enquiry based learning

5: Authoritarian model is more suitable for–

  1. Discipline B. Achievement
  2. Improvement    D. Confidence

06: The process of curriculum development involves which of the following step first

  1. Implementation      B. Design
  2. Evaluation              D. Needs assessment

07: Formative assessment is primarily used to —-

  1. Grade students at the end of a term
  2. Compare students’ performance to national standards
  3. Provide feedback during the learning process
  4. Evaluate teacher performance

08: Which of the following is an example of assistive technology in education?

  1. Interactive whiteboards
  2. Video conferencing tools
  3. Learning management systems
  4. Screen readers

09: The word “curriculum is a Latin” origin means?

  1. Runway B. Process
  2. Stop                      D. Book content

10: An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called—-?

  1. Syllabus B. Course
  2. Curriculum        D. None of these

 11: The most important component of lesson plan is—–?

  1. Vision           B. Objectives
  2. a & b              D. None of these

12: The central point of guidance is the —?

  1. Problems of an individual
  2. B. Self of an individual
  3. Particular problems of an individual
  4. Relationship of an individual with others

13: The knowledge of individual differences is essential so that——

  1. Everybody should perform duty according to his ability
  2. Everybody can get harmony with the society
  3. Statistical facts of the state should be known
  4. D. Both a & b

14: Which term refers to the consistency of a test in measuring what it intends to measure?

  1. Validity           B. Standardization
  2. Objectivity      D. Reliability

15: Progressive education emphasized learning by——

  1. Reading           B. Writing
  2. Doing D. None of these

16: In enquiry-based learning the teacher role is——-?

  1. Facilitator B. Administrator
  2. Instructor          D. None of these

17: Which leadership style involves the leader making decisions with little input from group members?

  1. Democratic      B. Laissez-faire
  2. AuthoritianD. Transformational

18: Islamic welfare state is a state in which there is——-?

  1. Rule of God      B. Equality
  2. Tolerance          D. All of these

19: Expected life outcomes from education are referred as—–?

  1. Learning            B. Evaluation
  2. AimsD. Pedagogy

20: Team activity to summarize reading is also known as?

  1. Group summary B. Group presentation
  2. Relay summary D. Pedagogy

21: The degree to which organizational resources contribute to productivity is—-?

  1. EfficiencyB. Effectiveness
  2. Output.               D. Production

22: The main objective of the program NCC in School is—–?

  1. Entertainment
  2. Leadership training
  3. Social welfare
  4. None of these

23: Every system of education is based on–?

  1. Skill development
  2. Ideology of nation
  3. Intellectual development
  4. Social development

24: Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called—–?

  1. Design              B. Behaviour
  2. Course D. Logical sequence

25: Genes are the units mainly associated with——?

  1. Evaluation        B. Education
  2. Grooming         D. Heredity management


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