1. Emphasizes man is nothing what he makes himself Existentialism
  2. Human being create their own reality/values through choices Existentialism
  3. Human have freedom of choices
  4. Man is central than truth or laws. People are free agents Existentialism
  5. It is investigation of being, it states existence comes before everything Existentialism
  6. Who am i? What should i do? Are subjects of Existentialism
  7. Existence precedes the essence (nature/reality), Existence is ultimate Existentialism
  8. Values should be freely chosen, man makes his culture & values Existentialism
  9. Man is responsible for his actions Existentialism
  10. Individuality of man is supreme. Existentialism
  11. Home education is better than school. Existentialism
  12. Each person is responsible for his choices, choice leads to success or failure Existentialism, Accept idea of death. Existentialism
  13. Leap of faith (no matter the outcomes, success/failure they will make it) Existentialism
  14. Man cannot made readymade concept of existence (no inborn nature) but create their own realities (my life, I will do what I want) Existentialism
  15. Man cannot be taught what the world is. Existentialism
  16. Teaching is performance that evokes students learningExistentialism
  17. To educate the whole person not just mind is focused in Existentialism
  18. Help learner to become fully authentic being Existentialism
  19. Child freedom, self-directed, self-paced learning focused in Existentialism
  20. They are against assessment of students Existentialism
  21. Focus on self-direction and self-actualization. Existentialism
  22. Student centered; teacher is facilitator to create environment where student can choose their own way Existentialism
  23. Teacher help individual to identify himself  in Existentialism
  24. Perennial mean Everlasting and Everlasting reality is focused inPerennialism  
  25. Robert Hutchins (American) is father of Perennialism
  26. Mortimer Adler, Jacque’s martin are exponent of
  27. Perennialism has American origin.
  28. Despite different environment human nature remains same everywhere so education should be the same for everyone Perennialism
  29. Against advancement or technology
  30. Focus on ideas that have been lasted for centuries.
  31. Study of great old books (literature, philosophy, history, science) Perennialism
  32. Western ideas have potential to solve problems of any era Perennialism
  33. Most conservative, same education for all humans. Perennialism
  34. Emphasis on everlasting reality, focusing on old things/facts Perennialism
  35. Humans are rational being soEmphasis reasoning thinking & memory and prepare leaners rationally & spiritually Perennialism
  36. It is transfer of knowledge, skills from older generation to younger generation.Perennialism
  37. Study 25 books/year  Perennialism
  38. Adler developed curriculum based on 100 books of western civilization Perennialism
  39. Hutchens developed great books program in 1963 Perennialism
    1. Idealism & realism are embedded in
    2. Education is not imitation of life but preparation of it.
    3. Permanency is more real than change
    4. Back to universal truths is slogan of
    5. Develop intellectual & moral qualities of learners developed by ancient scholars. Understanding the great ideas of civilizations (western) Perennialism.
    6. People are human teach about humans not machines/techniques
    7. Restrain child freedom, allow punishment/reward
    8. Reading books, Socratic dialogues, discussion, Student spend most of time in 3rs reading, writing, arithmetic (by logical method)
    9. It isTeacher centered, teacher is authority figure
    10. Teacher should be a master of subject & guides discussion.
    11. Focus on learners’ personal development (by Thomas Aquinas) Religious Perennialism
    12. Focus on things that lasts for an indefinite long time. Secular Perennialism
    13. Most conservative philosophy isPerennialism
    14. Essential mean Extremely important
    15. William Bagley was founder of Essentialism
    16. Exponents of Essentialism are Rick Over, Copper Man, Seizer,
    17. It has American origin. Essentialism
    18. Common core of knowledge (useful basic knowledge, skills, values, attitudes) need to be transmitted to students in a systematic & disciplined way  Essentialism
    19. Back to basics (mean promoting reasoning) is slogan of Essentialism
    20. It was reaction against progressivism. Essentialism
    21. Stress on mental discipline, useful culture & skills. Essentialism
    22. Assimilation of prescribed subject matter is focused in Essentialism
    23. Get their aims of education from traditions Essentialism
    24. What is relevant, helps to live well & benefits humanity is reality  Essentialism
    25. Teaching traditional moral values (making students disciplined) Essentialism
    26. Believe in teaching basic subjects (core curriculum) which may change it is unlike to perennials Essentialism
    27. Emphasis on moral & intellectual values school should teach Essentialism
    28. School should be practical, making student practical and valuable member of society.
    29. Core curriculum may change according to Essentialism
    30. Basics should be trained like reading, writing, speaking, logic. Essentialism
    31. Schooling should be practical & to make learners valuable/model member of society. Essentialism
    32. This approach was reaction to pragmatism (1920-30) Essentialism
    33. Idealism & realism are embedded in Essentialism
    34. It promote technology (as opposed to Perennialism) Essentialism
    35. Teach essentials which learners need to live well in modern society. Essentialism
    36. Training students to read, write, speak & compute logically Essentialism
    37. Students are passive  only listen & learn, teacher is active in Essentialism
    38. Socratic Method, direct instructions. Lecture, memorization are used in Essentialism
    39. John Dewey (1859-1952) was founder of Progressivism
    40. William Kilpatrick, William James are exponents of Progressivism
    41. It has American origin Progressivism
    42. It emphasizes learning by doing & claims that children learn best when follow their own interests & satisfy their own needs” center of gravity is child Progressivism
    43. Other names of Progressivism areExperimentalism, instrumentalism, functionalism 
    44. It is derived from pragmatism
    45. Learners learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives & from social interaction
    46. Curriculum according to need, interest, ideas, experience & abilities of learners.
    47. Against traditional system of teaching & learning book learning is not substitute for learning by doing (Dewey)
    48. Focus on individual its interest, needs & growth
    49. Learning through experience, experimental knowledge is real.
    50. Life is continuously changing process.
    51. School should run on democratic lines, freedom to improve our life (said by Dewey) Books are only tools not authority Progressivism.
    52. Education should focus on whole child rather than content or teacher Books are only tools not authority
    53. Learning is rooted in question of students arise after experience to something Books are only tools not authority Learner should be active not passive
    54. Education is life itself not a preparation for life.  Progressivism
    55. Education is the reorganization of experience said by Dewey. Progressivism
    56. Objectives of education of ProgressivismMake student problem solver, Socially aware
    57. Group learning (collaborative & cooperative) to develop cooperation & social skills  Progressivism
    58. Progressivist teacher emphasizepractical learning.
    59. Child centered; students are active. advisor guide, fellow traveler Progressivism
    60. Group work, cooperative learning, project method, problem solving, experimental method, debate, role play, discussion are used in Progressivism
    61. Gary method is also calledGary plan /platoon system/work-study-play plan

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