- The sum of curricular and co-curricular activities is? Curriculum
- Activities which are designed for teaching process for attainment of objectives of curriculum/education are called Curricular activities
- Activities arranged alongside standard study curriculum, considered complementary, they overlap one another in day-to-day routine of the school. co-curricular activities
- Previously co-curricular were known as “extra-curricular”
- A teacher shall inculcate social and moral values among students by involving students actively in co-curricular activities
- Physical development, intellectual development and social development are benefits ofCo-curricular activities
- Co-curricular activities organised to develop social values in student
- The major purpose of co-curricular activities is to help student achieve a well-adjusted
- Academic development activities: Morning assembly, subjects clubs, historical societies, educational quizzes, education trip
- Aesthetic development activities: Drawing painting, music, dramatics, exhibitions,
- Cultural development activities: Religious celebrations (birthday of prophet) aid,
- National integration activities: Celebration of national and international days
- Activities for leisure: Photography stamp collection cons collection, album making, decoration
- Literary activities: Poetry, debates, lectures, library work,
- Productive activities: Gardening, soap making, toy making
- Physical development activities: Drill, gym, athletics, wrestling, indoor games
- Social welfare activities: Scouting, girls’ guiding, red cross, first aid
- Which of the following is not a level of teaching learning? Differentiation level
- The main objectives to be achieved through memory level of teaching are the knowledge objectives
- The concept of team teaching emerged in
- Two or more teachers teach same class at same time in same classroom Team teaching
- Two or more teacher make a plan cooperatively, carry it out and evaluate its efffect on students is team teachingsaid by B, Naik
- Which is not the advantage of team teaching Better financial benefits of teacher
- The hypothesis underlying team teaching is The best teachers in schools are shared by more students
- There are6 principle or ways of team teaching
- Team teaching where teachers divide the class and each teacher teaches t his group is called Parallel teaching.
- In this co-teaching approach, teachers divide content and students. Each teacher then teaches the content to one group and subsequently repeats the instruction for the other group. Station teaching
- One teacher takes responsibility for the large group while the other works with a smaller group who need specialized attention, Alternative teaching
- Team teaching: in team teaching, both teachers are delivering the same instruction at the same time.
- Team teaching is calledCo-Teaching.
- Which of the following level of teaching requires more active participation, more imaginative and creative thinking? reflective level
- “Teleconferencing means meeting through a telecommunications medium. It is a generic term for linking people between two or more locations by electronics”.
- Types of Teleconferences 03
- Audio Teleconference:voice-only; sometimes called conference calling. Interactively links people in remote locations via telephone lines.
- Video Teleconference:combines audio and video to provide voice communications and video images.
- Computer Teleconference:uses telephone lines to connect two or more computers and modems. It uses audio, video, textual, graphical content.
- Audio bridges (equipment used to create telephone conference calls) connectall lines together
- Teacher diary (for preparing lesson plans) is written daily by the teachers
- It is a notebook prepared by teacher which contained planned lesson, teaching content, class timetables and assessment methods. Teacher Diary
- It also known as teacher’s journal or planner. Teacher Diary
- It helps teachers plan and manage their time effectively.Teacher Diary
- There are 03 levels of teaching Memory level, Understanding level, Reflective level.
- Each level of teaching involves 4 steps Focus, Syntax, Social System, Support System
- It involves objectives Focus
- It involves teaching methodology Syntax
- It involves class environment Social System
- It involves assessment Support System
- Lowest level, which involves memorization & cramming of information, Teacher centered Memory Level of Teaching
- Herbert modelfor lesson planning is used for Memory Level of Teaching
- This level makes the pupils understand and comprehend the information, generalizations, principles & facts. Both pupils & teachers participate in lesson Understanding level
- Morrison Modelfor lesson planning is used for Understanding level
- Includes both understanding memory & understanding level teaching, It means “Problem centered” teaching. Reflective level of teaching
- For developing reflective levelof teaching Hunt model is used.
- Memory level use Herbert 5 stepslesson planning model
- Understanding level use Morrison 5 stepslesson planning model
- Reflective level use Hunt 5 stepsproblem solving lesson planning model
- Education which focuses on human rights, fundamental freedom, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups is called Peace Education
- Article 26, universal declaration of human rights is related to Peace Education
- Peace is the absenceof physical and structural violence
- It is an instructional method of teaching in which emphasis is given on choosing a specific theme for teaching one or many concepts. Thematic instruction
- Theme based instruction focuses on a specific theme or topic to connect and integratelearning across different subjects.
- Thematic instruction or theme based instruction.
- Thematic learning is based on Schema Theory
- All knowledge is organized into units (Schemata), which is stored information in our mind (gained through experiences)” Schema Theory
- Feedback andreinforcement is associated with Operant conditioning of behaviorism
- It is information about the system that enables organization to correct Feedback
- Teacher reaction to student performance on task is Feedback
- It is information given to the learner about the learner’s performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. Feedback
- There areThree types of feedback Appreciation, Coaching, Evaluation
- Appreciation: Recognizing and rewarding someone for great work. …
- Coaching: Helping someone expand their knowledge, skills and capabilities. …
- Evaluation: Assessing someone against a set of standards, aligning expectations and informing decision-making
- A is a quiet song which is intended to be sung to babies and young children to help them go to sleep Lullaby
- Teaching same class for more than one year is called looping. Looping
- Single teaching is teaching more than one class at a time in same room Multigrade Teaching (MGT)
- It refers to the teaching of students of different ages, grades and abilities in the same group. Multigrade Teaching
- “composite teaching” or “combination classes” are other names of Multigrade Teaching
- Our primary education is following Multigrade Teaching
- Consecutive Grades are grouped together like Grade 3 and 4 in Multigrade Teaching
- One teacher is teaching one class at a time is calledMono-Grade teaching.
- Laddering: Changing a discussion to consider categories that are either more inclusive or less inclusive than the level of the current topic,
- Scaffolding: Providing temporary support and encouragement to students until help is no longer needed.
- Cascading: Involves training the trainers who then have to train other trainers. This process is repeated to lower levels until the target group is reached.
- In classroom it is Cooperative analysis of short critical passage of a text or graphics in the classroom by teacher Cascading
- Mentoring: The process in which a senior teacher guides a junior teacher for improvement
- Modeling:When teachers model the desired behaviors or skills in front of the students in the classroom, the practices
- Guided Reading: Structured reading where short passages are read, students’ interpretations are immediately recorded, discussed, and revised
- Application Teaching:A constructivist approach cantered on activities which involve learning which proceeds from more basic ideas to more complex.
- Brain-Based Learning:It is based on the idea that instructional activities are more effective if they occur in an environment compatible with the way the brain is designed to learn.
- Chronological Sequencing:Instruction where objectives are presented to learner in chronological order
- Learning Limitations: Difficulty in learning like attention, dyslexia (dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling)
- Novelty:One of the best motivational techniques is to engage student early in instruction is to share something unusual with students to arouse curiosity.
- Generalizing:When the teacher is restating the information to show basic principles in the classroom
- An interesting classroom activity guess box in which object is hidden in a container and students are ask question about the content of box in order to identify & its characteristics
- Manipulative:The handmade objects used in the classroom to allow students to make connections to concepts through touch,
- Invented Spelling: When children begin learning to write, they normally misspell the words, these mistaken spelling
- Ice Breakers: These are activities designed to help people get acquainted in new situations or environments
- Raps: These are songs written and presented by students
- Federal Ministry of Professional and Technical Training Pakistan was established in July 2011in the wake of 18th Amendment.
100-Bio Poems: Poems written by students about any specific person or object