Electronic learning is acquired through ICT medium (internet, Email, animation, YouTube) from anywhere at any time. E-Learning
Distance learning education without joining institution or classroom physically.
Interactive radio instructions (IRI), Interactive audio instructions (IAI)
Virtual Learning environments (VLE) Acquiring education Online through an institution. Like Virtual university of Pakistan.
Computer supportive collaborative learning (CSCL) Mutual learning where students work cooperatively on task distributed by teachers through computers.
Web Based Learning (WBL) It is also called internet-based learning, Use of internet services (Discussion forum, email, video conferencing and video lectures) for learning.
Class blogs: regularly updated educational website/webpage, interactive, for learner
Podcasting Episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Available for subscriber learners only.
Contemporary learning environmentsPhysical class equipped with internet & technology
Teaching students using online mediums Online Teaching
Total Sections under PEEDA actare 26, and total grounds are 05
Inefficiency, Misconduct, Corruption, Subversive activities, Disclosure of official secrets are 5 grounds under PEEDA act 2006
PEEDA stands for Punjab Employees’ Efficiency Discipline and Accountability Act
AccusedAgainst whom action is initiated under PEEDA Act
Appointing authority declared or notified as such by an order of the Government
Competent Authority:Competent to initiate proceedings under PEEDA Act.
Appellate Authority” means the authority next above the competent authority
Minor Penalties under PEEDA 2006 areCensure (Warning etc), Fine (not exceeding 1 month basic pay), Reduction to a lower stage in pay scale (Max 5 Years) Withholding of increments (Maximum five years), Withholding of Promotion (Maximum 5 Years)
Major Penalties under PEEDA 2006 RecoveryFrom Pay Pension, Reduction To a Lower Post and Pay Scale (Max 5 Years) , Forfeiture of Past Service (Max 5 Years), Compulsory Retirement, Removal From Service (employee can rejoin same/other govt. service) Dismissal From Service (employee cannot join same or any other govt. service)
Form used for purchasing /equipment for new room PC1(PC=Project cycle)
Form used for approval of new vacancies SNE (Schedule of new expenditure)
Movement from one department to another department for temporary period Deputation
A civil servant can avail deputation 02 timesin service, Tenure of deputation is 03 years
Salary is extended 10%during deputation
Test isinstrument or systematic procedure used for measuring sample of behavior Norman E Gronlundand
“Test is A set of questions having correct answer that examines usually answer orally or in writing (Ebele & Frisble)”.
Measurement:“is to obtain information in quantitative (Mehran’s & Lehman’s)”
Assessmentis derived from Latin Assidere to sit beside
“Assessmentis interpretation of measurement data it makes sense of data collected from students’ performance (Murry Print)”
Assessmentis to gain information about student learning (Gay)
Evaluation Is information gathering and providing useful information for judging decision alternatives (Ebel & Frisble)
Evaluationassess teachers, instructions and students, performance”
Thinking is administration, Doing is management, Supporting is supervision
A group of people working together for same goal Organization
It exercise authority Administration, It exercise execution Management
Making a logical choice from available options Decision making
Allotment of duties and making optimum use of resources is organization.
Influencing is using authority partsof the work
Henry Fayol was a French Engineer Wrote book “General & industrial management”
Max Weber German sociologistand Chester Bernard supported Authority in Work
William Ouchi wrote book Theory Z: How American Business can meet the Japanese Challenge.McGregor wrote book“Human side of the Enterprise”
Authoritarian, autocratic, Repressive, tight control, no development, poor production, employees dislike work & have fear of punishment Theory X of McGregor
Democratic, Participative, no external control, employees are self-motivated, like to work, accept responsibility, mutual sharing, development, Theory Y of McGregor
“Japanese management theory, employees are interested and loyal, lot of trust on them, more responsibilities on worker, manager is passiveTheory Z of William Ouchi
“ Planning is Some devise something to be done, some actions are involved beforehand”Oxford-Dictionary:”
Planning is process of studying something for future & arranging program of operation Fayol
Planning is process of preparing set of decision, action for future, optional means & achieving the objectives Y-Dorr
Educational planning includes five steps,: goals, needs assessment, objectives, methods, and evaluation.
The international institute for educational planning (an arm of UNESCO) created in 1963
Input, processing, output are Planning indicator
Quality education, literacy rate, change in behavior, social adjustment are developmental indicators.
Goals, human, material resources, alternate selection. Are Areas of educational planning
Planning processis a universal, continuous, and rational
Appropriate alternative for solution of problem or selection of choices in keeping best possible use of available resource.is called rationality
A needs assessment is a process for determining the needs, or “gaps,” between a current and desired outcome Need assessment
Magnitude of financial outlay which should be available for determination of need satisfaction, provision of blueprint for action implementation. Costing of needs
Priorities are set in establishingTargets
Ensure achievability in educational planning Feasibility Testing
A blueprint for action and implementation of plan is Plan Formulation
Each unit/employee has clearly identifies actions in planning is Plan elaboration
Finding the strength and weaknesses in plan is Plan Evaluation
Planning is done at local level/grass root level of society is indicative planning
District level planning isindicative planning
Planning done at Federal/Central level is known as imperative centralized planning.
Strategic and long term with long term objectives imperative centralized planning.
Planning commission of Pakistan is an example of imperative centralized planning.
Planning involves strategies that focus on the results within a short time,Time duration is 1 year (12 months) Short-Term Planning
Planning that focus on permanent solutions to short-term problem, so that problems do not recur again. Time duration is 2-5 yearsMedium-Term Planning
Strategic planning Time duration is 5-10 yearsLong-Term Planning
A big, broad, long-termplanning, involves vision, mission & values Strategic plan
These plans are planned by Top managers. Involves SWOT analysis. Strategic plan
What is going to happen, identification of specific, short-term goals Tactical plans
Tactical planning supports strategic planning, planned by Middle managers.
How things need to happen, describes the day-to-day running Operational plans
Operational plans are single use plans planned by Lower managers.Operational plans
Plans when something unexpected happens or need a change Contingency plans
These are backup plans if primary plans fails.Contingency plans
Sectoral plansprojects prepared by each sector in organization
Integratedplans , combination of different plans ,pilot area is selected for development
Planning Commission of Pakistan established in1952 (denoted as PC)
Established (08) five-year plans and medium term development framework (MTDF), also public sector development program (PSDP) is under PC of Pakistan.
Plans which cover briefer periods and include dayto day operations of the organization are: Operationalplans
A is a less single use plan: Project
Many organizations pursue ongoing goalsthat require managers to address the same type of situation over and over. Standingplans
Alternative courses of actions to be followed inthe events of unexpected environment comes under:Contingencyplans
Approaches To Educational Planning03 basic approaches
Social Demand Approach: satisfaction of social demand, it forecast output of a qualified school leaver, make assumption about overseas students.
Man-Power Approach:attempts to integrate education planning with qualified manpower needs for economic development
Rate Of Return Approach:education is investment like others,
Bureaucratic model:decision taken by highest political level e.g. government
Collegial model: collegial models assume that organizations determine policies and make decisions through a process of discussion leading to consensus. Academic freedom
Market modelincome is generated by organization by selling its products & services
Unbiasedness, no personal prejudice is Objectivity