These MCQS are taken form Past Papers

USB stands for

a) Universal serial bus  b) Uninterrupted serial bus

c) Universal serial bug d) None of above

First mosque of Islam was

a) Quba               b) Nabvi  

c) Haram d) 1820

Correct sequence of levels of affective domain is

a) Receiving, valuing, responding, organizing, characterizing

b) Receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, characterizing

c) Receiving, valuing, responding, characterizing, organizing

d) Receiving, valuing, characterizing, organizing, responding

Cognitive domain is related with

a) Knowledge               b) comprehension

c) Evaluation d) All

Temporary memory of computer is

a) Hard disk            b) Cache                   c) ROM                               d) RAM

NBCT stands for

a) National Bureau of Content and textbook b) National Bureau of curriculum and Testing

c) National Body of curriculum and textbook

d) National Bureau of curriculum and textbook

Knowledge gain thorough seeing

a) 75%               b) 16%                    c) 45%                                 d) 30%

MAO college upgraded into university in

a) 1931               b) 1930                  c) 1921                                  d) 1920

“Al-Nahl” a name of Surah. It means

a) Bee                            b) Spider                 c) Cow                                   d) Ant

Surah of Quran about reading

a) Al-Imran                      b) Al-Qadar            c) Al-Qalam                           d) Al-Alaq

Fastest memory of computer is

a) Hard disk               b) Cache                c) ROM                                 d) RAM

Connection of internet within a building or nearby buildings is

a) MAN               b) LAN                  c) WAN                                 d) None

Rabi crops are sown in annually

a) October-December b) June-July            c) March-April                     d) None

First educational institute is history of Islam was

a) Dar.e. Arqam         b) Suffah

c) Masjid Nabvi d) None

Total African national languages are

a) 09                            b) 11                     c) 07                                       d) 15

What comes next in sequence 2,5,10,12,24,26

a) 49                            b) 52                     c) 47                                       d) 55

A class has 14 boys, ratio of boys to girls is 1:3 no. of girls in class are

a) 30                             b) 42                    c) 40                                        d) 35

In top 14 peaks of the world, how many are there in Pakistan

a) 09                            b) 05                     c) 07                                       d) 02

Equal representation given to all in

a) Random sampling  b) Non-random      c) Snowball sampling           d) Haphazard

First level of Maslow hierarchy of needs theory is

a) Physiological needs b) Safety needs      c) Self-Actualization             d) Love needs                      

A child learn from physical environment of school it is an example of … curriculum

a) Implicit Curriculum b) Null                   c) Explicit Curriculum          d) Spiral

It is done for betterment of teaching and learning

a) Test  b) Evaluation        c) Assessment                       d) Analysis

The Caliph fights against deniers of zakat

a) Abu Bakar R.A b) Umar R.A        

c) Usman R.A d) Ali R.A

Pedagogy is study of

a) Learning methods b) Test method      c) Teaching methods            d) All of these

Technical education was emphasized in

a) Commission 1959 b) Policy 1972      c) Conference 1947               d) Policy 1979

Method used to convert accessible resources into product or services

a) Economical dimension

b) Geographical dimensions

c) Educational dimension

d) Political dimension

We teach things by excluding from curriculum or we do not teach it is ….

a) Explicit curriculum b) Null-curricula c) Hidden Curriculum           d) All of these

Administration …. students to bring their identification.

a) Asked b) Ask          

c) Asking d) Asks

Teacher perform in ……… method

a) Activity b) Demonstration

c) Project d) Experimental

Students are passive in …. method

a) Lecture b) Demonstration

c) Project d) Experimental

A book “Daughter of East” is related to

a) Mariyam Nawaz b) Zartaj Gull

c) Benazir Bhutto d) Fatima Jinnah

Noble prize added in 1969

a) Peace b) Biology

c) Economics d) Literature

Grignard reagent is …… catalyzed reaction

a) Acid-Base b)  Acid                  

c) Alkali d) Base

Pilot testing is done to ensure

a) Adequacy b) Validity

c) Reliability d) None


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