Q1. The MOOC stands for:

A. Multiplex Open Offline Courses        

B. Modern Open Source Computer

C. Massive Open Online Courses            D. None of these

Q2. Educational Leadership is a prime factor to improve school:

A. Efficacy         B. Effectiveness         

C. Efficiency      D. Performance

Q3. The systematic analysis of observations obtained from records, documents, and field notes is:

A. Content Analysis

B. Discourse Analysis (written or spoken words)

C. Framework Analysis (systematically manage, organize and make themes)

D. Narrative Analysis (written script)

Q4. Education that intended to remedy a situation is known as:

A. Educational Remedy                 

B. Remedial Education

C. Remedy of Education                 

D. Remedy of theoretical and practical

Q5. Variables that have only two categories i.e Yes or No

A. Dependent        B. Dichotomous

C. Extraneous       D. Independent

Q6. Health is too important to be:

A. Detested           B. Discarded           

C. Neglected         D. Rejected

Q7.   Achievement test means:

A. The measurement of scores            

B. The measurement of learning skills

C. Both A & B     D. None of these

Q8.   Bloom’s (1956) Digital Taxonomy consists of: (2002)

A. A Philosophy of emotional intelligence

B. Combination of numbers and alphabets

C. Division of psychological domains

D. Assessment of psychological domains

Q9. Expectations from students in different day-to-day situations are known as:

A. Lesson plans             B. Routines

C. Student Diaries         D. Activities

Q10. Apprenticeships during education degrees means:

A. Education and trainings                

B. Internships and trainings

C. Both A & B             D. None of these

Q11. UNESCO defined_____ pillars of curriculum:

A. 2      B. 3        C. 4           D. 6

Q12. The term best describes the assessment measures that intends to measure is:

A. Manageability            B. Practicality            C. Reliability                   D. Validity

Q13. Distance Education Programs are grounded on:

A. Content and Pedagogy                                      B. Practice and Research

C. Research and Theory                                         D. Technology and Research

Q14. The learning disability consists of disorder, which may manifest itself in imperfect:

A. Do Mathematical calculations                         B. Listen, read and write

C. Think and spell                                                     D. Option A, B and C

Q15. Synonym of the word “Remote”:

A. Automatic                   B. Callous

C. Distant                       D. Mean

Q16. The sea is called “Black sea” due to:

A. Dense fog in winter (Density)                               B. Dense fog in night

C. Large amount of black rocks                                  D. None of these

Q17. The psychomotor domain of Bloom’staxonomy relates to the:

A. Feelings and emotions                 

B. Gross (large muscle’s) & fine motor skills

C. Knowledge        D. communication

Q18. The Flipped Learning (students & teacher are remotely connected through technology) for a common cause teaching and learning is a :

A. Model of Instructional design                              B. Pedagogical approach

C. Process & Techniques of learning.                      D. Theory of behaviors

Q19. Accreditation in educational system means:

A. Official Recognition                                              B. Official Recording

C. Official Registration                             

D. Official Record-keeping

Q 20. Theorists emphasize the role of memory in comprehension are:

A. Behaviorist                  B. Cognitivist           C. Constructivist              D. Humanist

Q 21. The process by which educators are held responsible for performance or outcome is:

A. Accountability         B. Accessibility           C. Auditability               D. Affordability

Q 22. A summary of a study that describes its most important aspects i.e findings, results and conclusions is known as:

A. Abstract           B.  results           

C. Introduction      D. Recommendations

Q 23. A statement that is widely accepted as truth:

A. Aphorism (general truth but not accepted)                       

B .Axiom     C. Myth            D. Proverbs

Q24.   NQF stands for:

A. National Quality Framework

B. National Quality Foundation

C. National Qualification Attesting Foundation

D. National Qualification Framework

Q 25. Even a _________ glance will reveal the mystery. (Birds eye view):

A. Critical                    B. Crude                           C. Curious                    D. Cursory

Q 26. Cyprus is an island in the:

A. Caribbean Sea                                                           B. Mediterranean Sea

C. South China Sea         D. Red Sea              

Q 27. In inductive reasoning we go from:

A. Ambiguous to clear

B. Definite to indefinite

C. Specific to general

D. Specified to unspecified

Q 28. Blended learning:  (online education)

A. Combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction alongside physical

B. Is conventional notion of classroom based learning

C. Is digital approach for M-learning

D. Is traditional pedagogical method

Q 29. The best strategy to classroom management issue is

A. Call students by name                                             B. Circulate in the class

C. Engage students                                                        D. Reward the students

Q 30. The word curriculum is derived from“currere” which means:

A. Dance                         B. Lead

C. Run way or path       D. Teach

Q 31. The desired focus of assessment must be on:

A. Memorization               B. Motivation

C. Multiple Answers         D. Thinking

Q 32. A Curriculum that stresses on efficiency, measurement and standardization is known as:

A. Externalist Curriculum                                        B. Pragmatic Curriculum

C. Radical Curriculum                                               D. Systematic Curriculum

Q 33. Extra classes occurring outside of the formal channels is known as Tuition, which is also called as

A. Formal Education                                                  B. Proctor Free Education

C. Shadow Education                                                  D. Tertiary Education

Q 34. The 7th level of ISCED 2011 classification represents:

A. Associate Degree                                               B. Bachelor’s Degree

C. Master’s Degree                                                    D. Doctoral Degree

Q 35. The marks of Semicolon:

A. !       B. :             C. ;             D. #

Q 36. The distance of a place (South or North) on the Equator is known as:

A. Altitude                B. Latitude               

C. Longitude             D. Multitude

Q 37. The aim of education for the __________ is to bring the desired response from a learner who is given a specific stimulus:

A. Behaviorist           B. Cognitivist

C. Constructivist        D. Rationalism

Q 38. IQ stands for:

A. Initial Quality        B. Innovative Quality

C. Intelligence Quotient     

Q 39. The dominant theme focused by Doyle in classroom management is

A. Control                   B. Lack of interest

C. Learning                 D. Misbehavior

Q 40. Children must have some control over the direction of their learning, propagated by the schools of:

A. Montessori             B. Reggio Emilia             C. Waldrof                  D. Pavlov

Q 41. The purpose of evaluation is:

A. Decision           B. Judgment                       C. Opinion            D. Predication

Q 42. Education is a basic human right and foundation for a more just and equal society is said by 25A 1-10:

A. UNESCO         B. UNICEF                     

C. UNO                 D. World Bank

Q 43. STEM stands for:

A. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

B. Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics

C. Science, Technology, English and Mathematics

D. Science, Teaching, English and Mathematics

Q 44. Child centered pedagogy is strength of

A. Effective schools   B. Exclusive schools

C. Inclusive schools   D. State schools

Q 45. “Rule of Thumb” means is a/an:

A. Mark of Thumb      B. Thumb on paper

C. Rough estimation  D. Unknown Rule

Q 46. Number one school Education System of the world is at:

A. China                        B. Finland

C. UK                             D. USA

Q 47. According to the Constructivist’s what an individual knows about the word STEM from his/her own:

A. Interpretations of his/her experiences

B. Interpretations of other’s experiences

C. Interpretations of personal experiences

D. Interpretations of social experiences

Q 48. A process of gathering information about student’s learning is known as:

A. Assessment         B. Evaluation

C. Grading                D. Marking

Q 49. Aptitude test means to predict the measurement of:

A. Ability                 B. Learning

C. Scores                   D. Skills

Q 50. Yellow Sea is between:

A. Australia and New Zeeland                                  B. China and Korea

C. Malaysia and Singapore                                          D. None of these



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