34. All the activities conducted either inside or outside the school planned by the school to achieve the goals and objectives are termed as:

a) Syllabus b) Textbooks

c) Teach and diary d) Curriculum

35. Inspection officers of education department write about the visit, its merits, demerits and views in:

a) Visitor’s book b) Log book

c) Accession register d) Order book

36. The founder of pragmatism:

a) Aristotle b) Dewey c) Socrates d) Ibne khaldun

37. Non formal education has:

a) Hard rules of entry and exit

b) Rigid rules of entry and exit

c) No rules of entry and exit

d) Few/Flexible rules of entry and exit

38. Components of Curriculum starts firstly from:

a) Measurement b) AV aids c) Teaching activity d) Objectives

39. Curriculum planning is related to:

a) Variety of issues b) Syllabus c) Experience of learners d) Content

40. Psychological foundation of Curriculum is related to:

a) Head teachers b) Teachers c) Learners d) Curriculum

41. In education the guidance has major functions for improving quality:

a) Evaluating b) Testing c) Learning d) Teaching

42. Overall development in students is achieved through:

a) Lecturing b) Discussion c) Demonstration d) Project method

43. An element of fear and anxiety is found in:

a) Management b) Supervision c) Monitoring d) Inspection

44 At present, developing School curriculum is responsibility of:

a) Curriculum wing b) QAED

c) PITB d) Ministry of Edu

45. Team teaching is a

a) Teaching strategy b) Technique

c) Teaching method d) Teaching aids

46. A change agent with leadership qualities in one education setup is:

a) Leader b) Student c) Teacher d) Headmaster

47. Who declared curriculum is written plan:

a) John Dewey b) Plato c) Smith d) Aristotle

48. Founder of cognitive development theory?

a) Jean Piaget b) Bloom c) Erikson d) Huxley

49. Head of secondary school bound to teach 6th classes in a week is written in:

a) Education code

b) Handbook of circulars

c) Civil service rules

d) Education policy

50. Impact of effective teaching can urgently be examined through:

a) Students’ final results b) Class discussions

c) Interviews d) Evaluation

51. Confirmation of an employee already on job is made when he/she completes:

a) 2 years’ service b) 3 years’ service c) 4 Year service d) None

52. Discussion method is useful for:

a) Secondary classes b) Lower classes c) Elementary classes d) Higher classes

53. School is a social institution for the preservation and transmission of:

a) Culture b) Value c) Religion d) Norms

54. Learning works for

a) Chang in behavior b) Teaching process c) Understanding d) None

55. Students overall development is emphasizing in a curriculum like:

a) Subject centered b) Learner centered c) Activity based d) integrated.

56. It is sanctioned by the principles of Institutions:

a) Maternity leaves b) Medical leave c) Earned leave d) Casual leave

57. The authenticated source of knowledge according to Islamic philosophy is:

a) Observation b) Experiment c) Intuition d) Revealed

58. First step for recruiting a teacher is:

a) Selection b) Job description

c) Advertisement d) Identification of


59. Continuous effort designed to improve employee’s competency is:

a) Development b) Training

c) Improvement d) Skillfulness

60. Aesthetic is a study of values in realm of

a) Beauty b) Culture Conduct

c) Economic d) Morality

61. An authentic knowledge is gained through:

a) Empirical Experience b) Authority

c) Intuition d) Love

62. Psychology which describe the causes of mental illness or abnormal behavior is related with

a) Clinical b) Legal c) Industrial d) Political

63. The heart of Administration is called:

a) Decision Making b) Motivation c) Authority d) Staffing

64. Assessment that monitor learning progress during instruction is termed as:

a) Placement b) Formative c) Diagnostic d) Summative

65. The central purpose of every and anecdotal record is to help the entire School staff to obtain better understanding of a given……

a) Problem b) Student c) Fact d) Question

66. Which is an individualizing and socializing process that does personal advancement as well as social living:

a) Discussion b) Growth c) Development d) Education

67. It is the teacher who provides the kind of stimulation that will enable the child to become an active:

a) Leader b) Learner c) Superior d) Educator

68. Aptitude is the characteristic or a quality which is one aspect of an individual’s whole

a) Life b) Approach c) Exercise d) Personality


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