1. Charter Act was presented in

a) 1800 b) 1806

c) 1813 d) 1820

2. Charles wood dispatch came out in:

a) 1833 b) 1854 c) 1857 d) 1870

3. Symposium is a type of:

a) Discovery method

b) Discussion method

c) Lecture method

d) Demonstration

4. Which one is not component of curriculum?

a) Objectives b) Design c) Contents d) Evaluation

5. Broad field curriculum is modification of:

a) Subject centered curriculum b) Learner centered curriculum

c) Core Curriculum d) Hidden curriculum

6. In Education policy 1979 how many Arabic centers were proposed to be established

a) 10 b) 30 c) 60 d) 90

7. Which of the following learning does not fall in psychomotor domain?

a) Handwriting b) Ball throwing c) Creating ideas d) Sketching

8. Which one of the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy requires recalling?

a) Comprehension b) Knowledge c) Application d) Evaluation

9. Pedagogy is concerned with:

a) Teaching method b) Content

c) Evaluation d) Aims

10.Which one is the best for the large group instruction?

a) Lecture method b) Demonstration c) Discovery d) Recitation

11. Education, according to John Dewey, is:

a) Learning to do by doing b) Getting knowledge

c) Learning practical knowledge d) Project education

11. Source from which aims of education are borrowed

a) Parents b) Teachers c) Students d) Society

12. “Life is continuous changing process” beliefs of people related to:

a) Perennialism b) Essentialism c) Progressivism d) None

13. The most significant point of Deoband movement was:

a) Revival of religious spirit b) Focus on science

c) learning Islamic knowledge d) Project education

14. Which one was not purpose of Aligarh movement:

a) To prepare Muslim against Hindus b) learning western knowledge

c) To prepare Muslim to learn English d) Proliferate local education

15. Education conference 1947 was presided over by:

a) Quaid -e -Azam b) Fazlul haq Khan c) Fazal ur Rehman d) Liaqat Ali

16. Lecture method is generally described as:

a) Teacher centered b) Child centered c) Mix d) None

17. Informal education belongs to:

a) No rule of entry and exit b) Rigid rule of entry and exit

c) learning core knowledge d) Project education

18. Masjid and Maktab scheme was launched in the education policy

a) 1970 b) 1972 c) 1979 d) 2009

19. Ontology is related to:

a) Knowledge b) Reality c) Values d) Culture

20. A teacher is firstly answerable to:

a) Community b) Principal c) Parents d) Students

20. Effective teaching requires continuous:

a) Help by the community b) Planning the teaching

c) Monitoring the student d) Suggestion by the colleagues

21. Theory of moral development was presented by

a) Jean Piaget b) Erickson

c) Dewey d) Kohlberg

22. Test that measure learning outcome of student is:

a) Achievement test b) Intelligence test c) Diagnostic test d) Aptitude test

23. Assigning students a work that is to be completed in non-school hours is called

a) portfolio b) project c) assignment d) Homework

24. Laissez faire administration is based on:

a) Non-interference b) Mutual sharing c) Democratic value d) Dictatorship

26. Under the latest devolution policy, Education management is responsibility of the level (devolution made in 2001)

a) Federal b) District c) Divisional d) Provincial

27. Private schools in Pakistan were nationalized the Education policy of:

a) 1959 b) 1970

c) 1972 d) 1979

28. Informal education is:

a) Just schooling b) Time bound c) Lifelong d) Preplanned

29. While developing a curriculum your first step would most likely be:

a) Selection of content b) Selection of objectives

c) Organization of content d) Selection of learning experience

30. Budgeting represent estimation of:

a) Income and expenditure b) Investment and expenditure

c) Total income d) Total expenses

31. The foundation of education which deal with the needs and interests of students is.

a) Socio cultural b) Philosophical c) Psychological d) Ideological

32. An experience is better than a ton of theory are famous words of:

a) John Dewey b) Edger dale

c) Collins mares d) Aristotle

33. The authorized person in a school for recording that staff performance is:

a) Teacher b) Clerk

c) Head teacher d) DPI


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