/Q 36. Teacher should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students.
A. Don’t know B. Already know
C. Willing to know D. Not willing
Q 37. According to John Dewey, school is a.. institute and education is a ….process:
A. Social and social
B. Social and philosophical
C. Philosophical and psychological
D. Environmental psychological
Q38. The ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals is :
A. Management B. Supervision
C. Leadership D. Administrator
Q 39. When any headmaster select one of the best alternative amongst many during discussion on an agenda item during staff meeting on any issue is called:
A. Planning B. Management C. Decision Making D. Controlling
Q 40. If a headmaster retains most of the authority to implement decisions in any school is
A. Decentralization B. Centralization
C. Administration D. Management
Q 41. It is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomena.
A. Psychology B . Research
C. Guidance D. Counselling
Q 42.This type of research is designed to help researches better understand certain phenomenon the world; it looks at how things work.
A. Quantitative B. Basic Research C. Causal comparative D. Experimental
Q 43. It attempts to predict future results by studying and interpreting historical data. Researchers analyze previous trends and results in order to create current strategy.
A. Quantitative B. Historical
C. Experimental D. Causal comparative
Q44. This research is conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of variables. The first set acts as a constant, which you use to measure the differences of the second set
A. Quantitative B. Experimental
C. Experimental D. Causal comparative
Q45 .It is learning theory of education
A. Behaviorism B. Cognitivism
C. constructivism D. All of these.
Q1. A teacher can provide stimulation to enable the students to become learner.
a) Quality b) social
c) interesting d) active
Q2. Students should be given an opportunity to ____the democratic way of life in school.
a) Learn b) experience
c) understanding d) knowing
Q3. A certified teacher for teaching does not mean that his _______ is completed.
a) learning b) education
c) training d) planning
Q4. Approximately 35 working weeks in a year at____.
a) primary level
b) secondary level
c) primary and secondary level
d) none of these
Q5. The determining level in the organization of the school is ____ of the school.
a) curriculum b) management
c) social life d) trainers
Q6. What type of objectives is not being evaluated through our system of examination?
a) objectivity b) classroom
c) affective d) students
Q7. Intelligence level of gifted students is?
a) 140 & above b) 120 to 130
c) 100 to 110 d) 180 to 100
Q8. Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by.
a) design b) abilities
c) curriculum d) evaluation
Q9. Teacher training is less emphasized in.
a) subject centered curriculum
b) learner centered curriculum
c) activity centered curriculum
d) teacher centered curriculum
Q10. Which type of curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?
a) activity centered curriculum
b) integrated curriculum
c) decrease in numbers of books
d) horizontal organization
Q11. What type of test represent the test of abstract intelligence?
a) measurement b) percentage
c) leadership d) language
Q12. The over protected child will tend to display.
a) Aggressiveness b) defensiveness
c) immaturity d) negativism
Q13. Which aspect of individual development is most clearly defined by heredity?
a) the direction b) the limits
c) the level d) the rate
Q14. The concept of readiness of the learner is basic importance to the teacher of_____.
a) nursery class b) grade 1
c) any new activity
d) children with academic difficulties
Q15. Which trait and procedure is most often given by children as the reason for not liking the teacher?
a) irritable and bad temperament
b) ignorance of the subject matter
c) unfairness and favoritism
d) unreasonable demands
Q16. A scale of which opposing adjectives are presented is called a____.
a) Likert scale b) Gutman scale
c) sociometric d) semantic differential
Q17. Which of the following is not the type of administration?
a) authoritarian administration
b) democratic administration
c) laissez faire administration
d) instructional administration
18. Boss is always right the feature of____.
a) authoritarian administration
b) instructional administration
c) democratic administration
d) laissez faire administraion
Q19. Bringing harmony among all the elements of a programme is ____.
a) coordinating b) planning
c) commanding d) organizing
Q20. The power is concentrated in the hands of one or few people is____.
a) command b) control
c) centralization d) decentralization
Q21. What is central to administration?
a) coordination b) organization
c) communication d) decision making
Q22. The article 25_A of the constitution obligates state to provide free and compulsory education up to class____.
a) 3 b) 5 c) 8 d) 10
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