Educational Research

. The degree to which the result of a study can be extended to other settings or conditions is called:

· A. Ecological generalizability

· B. Population generalizability

· C. Environmental generalizability

· D. Both A & C


62. Sometimes it is not possible for a researcher to apply the results of urban school systems to rural school systems. This condition is an example of:

· A. Ecological generalizability

· B. Population generalizability

· C. Environmental generalizability

· D. Both A & C


63. Any part of the population of individuals on whom information is obtained is called:

· A. Sample

· B. Population

· C. Subject

· D. Both A & C


64. Samples should be as large as a researcher can obtain with a reasonable expenditure of time and energy:

· A. Small

· B. Large

· C. Constant

· D. None


65. This term refers to the kind of information researchers obtain on the subject of their research:

· A. Sample

· B. Population

· C. Response

· D. Data


66. How often are data to be collected? This question refers to the __ of collection:

· A. Location

· B. Time

· C. Frequency

· D. Administration


67. To measure math achievement, a researcher needs to have some assurance that the instruments she intends to use actually measure such achievement. She is focusing on:

· A. Validity

· B. Reliability

· C. Objectivity

· D. None


68. If the researcher tested the math achievement of a group of individuals at two or more different times, she should expect to obtain close to the same results each time. Her intention is focusing on:

· A. Validity

· B. Reliability

· C. Objectivity

· D. Generalizability


69. Whenever possible, researchers should try to eliminate __ from the judgments they make about the achievement, performance, or characteristics of a subject:

· A. Subjectivity

· B. Reliability

· C. Objectivity

· D. Generalizability


70. __ refers to the absence of biased judgment:

· A. Subjectivity

· B. Generalizability

· C. Objectivity

· D. None


71. A questionnaire is an example of a:

· A. Researcher instrument

· B. Subject instrument

· C. Information instrument

· D. Both A & B


72. A researcher interviews the president of the student council about student views on the school disciplinary code. Her responses are recorded on:

· A. Tally sheet

· B. Daily log

· C. Interview schedule

· D. Rating scale


73. The instruments that are designed to see whether and how well procedures can be followed and to assess the quality of products are:

· A. Written response instruments

· B. Performance instruments

· C. Rating scale

· D. Researcher-completed instruments


74. __ is intended merely to indicate whether a particular behavior is present or absent:

· A. Observation

· B. Rating

· C. Product rating

· D. Both B & C


74. The rating scale which describes each of the characteristics to be rated and places them on a horizontal line on which the observer is to place a check mark is:

· A. Behaviour rating scale

· B. Graphic rating scale

· C. Product rating scale

· D. Numeric rating scale


75. A big advantage of a product rating scale is that it can be done at:

· A. Any time

· B. Specific time

· C. Both A & B

· D. None


76. Before the instrument is used for collecting data, it should be:

· A. Piloted

· B. Checked

· C. Observed

· D. None


77. It is a device often used by researchers to record the frequency of the students’ behaviours, activities, or remarks:

· A. Flow charts

· B. Anecdotal record

· C. Tally sheets

· D. Daily log


78. A __ is simply a listing of various categories of activities or behaviours on a piece of paper:

· A. Tally sheets

· B. Checklist

· C. Daily log

· D. Flow charts


79. A unique sort of attitude scale that is especially useful for classroom research is the:

· A. Likert scale

· B. Semantic differentials

· C. Personality inventories

· D. Self checklist


80. A commonly used attitude scale in educational research is:

· A. Personality inventories

· B. Likert scale

· C. Semantic differentials

· D. Self checklist


81. “Kuder preference record” is an example of:

· A. Semantic differential

· B. Achievement scale

· C. Personality inventories

· D. None of them


82. __ tests are invented to measure an individual’s potential to achieve; in actuality, they measure present skills or abilities:

· A. Attitude

· B. Aptitude

· C. Pictorial scale

· D. Both A and C


83. Which test is the most objective in nature?

· A. Performance checklist

· B. Performance test

· C. Performance rating scale

· D. Projective device


84. It is any sort of instrument with a vague stimulus that allows individuals to project their interests, preferences, anxieties, prejudices, needs, and so on through their responses to it:

· A. Projective device

· B. Sociometric device

· C. Time and motion logs

· D. Checklists


85. It is frequently used to assess the climate and structure of interpersonal relationships within any environment:

· A. Sociometric device

· B. Projective device

· C. Time and motion logs

· D. Checklists


86. The scores which are particularly helpful in comparing an individual’s relative achievements on different types of instruments are called:

· A. Derived scores

· B. Raw scores

· C. Percentile ranks

· D. Standard scores


87. “A student spelled every word in the weekly spelling list correctly” is an example of:

· A. Norm Referenced evaluation

· B. Criterion Referenced evaluation

· C. Both A and B

· D. None


88. A student scored above 90 percent of all the students in the class. This is an evaluation statement of:

· A. Norm Referenced evaluation

· B. Criterion Referenced evaluation

· C. Standard score

· D. Percentile rank



89. “Temperature” is an example of which type of scale:

· A. Nominal

· B. Ordinal

· C. Interval

· D. Ratio


90. An interval scale possesses all the characteristics of an ordinal scale with one additional feature that is:

· A. An actual or true Zero point

· B. Assign no to different categories

· C. Ordered data in high or low

· D. Distance between the points on scale are equal


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