Educational Research

.1. Observation is of:

(a) One type
(b) Two types
(c) Three types
(d) None of the above

2. Children are playing ‘Holi.’ You observe them by becoming a regular member of the group. This is known as:
(a) Direct observation
(b) Participant observation
(c) Conconitant observation
(d) Natural observation

63. ‘Structured’ and ‘Unstructured’ are two types of:

· (a) Observations

· (b) Introspection

· (c) Interview

· (d) None of the above

64. Closed form of Questionnaire means:

· (a) Yes or No response

· (b) A short response

· (c) Checking an item out of given responses

· (d) Restricts the choice of response for the respondent


68. A good Questionnaire is:

· (a) Significant, Novel, Clear Topic

· (b) As short as possible

· (c) Psychologically and biologically arranged

· (d) Easy to tabulate, summarize, and interpret

69. Condition for preparing a Questionnaire is:

· (a) Problem selected from one, and a half-times more items than needed

· (b) Take help from other studies, related literature, and experts in the related field

· (c) To explore hypotheses, to cover the whole topic, approval of authorities, related to some known educationists

· (d) To present a preliminary card asking whether the subject is willing to participate, and two copies of the Questionnaire

· (e) All of the above

70. The interpretation of data analyzed and the formulation of conclusions should take into consideration:

· (a) The percentage of responses focused

· (b) The smaller the percentage of responses

· (c) The lesser the reliability of the data collected

· (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’


71. Advantage of Questionnaire is:

· (a) Economical, Nationwide or International coverage

· (b) Easy to plan, construct, and administer

· (c) Confidential, Less strain, Focusing all the significant ideas

· (d) All of the above
Answer: (d) All of the above

72. The mass of data collected needs to be systematized and organized through:

· (a) Editing

· (b) Classifying

· (c) Tabulating

· (d) All of the above
Answer: (d) All of the above

73. Good Barr and Scates suggest a helpful mode to start with the analysis of data:

· (a) To think in terms of significant tables that the data permits.

· (b) To examine carefully the statement of the problem, earlier analysis, and to study the original record of the data.

· (c) To discuss the problems with others.

· (d) To make simple statistical calculations from the data.

74. Statistical method of analysis:

· (a) Ranks and percentile ranks, measures of central tendency.

· (b) Measures of variability—range, quartile deviation, average deviation, and standard deviation.

· (c) Correlation, co-efficient of reliability, and validity.

· (d) Error and probable error—difference or significant difference.

75. Common error of interpretation:

· (a) Failure to see the problem in proper perspective, to appreciate the relevance of various elements.

· (b) Failure to recognize limitations in the research evidence, misinterpretation due to unstudied factors.

· (c) Ignoring selective factors, difficulties, and interpretative evaluation.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

76. The main purpose of research is:

· (a) To determine the status of the phenomenon, past and present.

· (b) To ascertain the nature, composition, and processes that characterize the phenomenon.

· (c) To trace growth, change, and developmental history and to study cause and effect relationships.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

77. Common fallacy of reasoning leading to erroneous generalization:

· (a) Fallacy of non-observation and mal-observation.

· (b) Errors incidental to classification, nomenclature, and terminology.

· (c) Errors commonly arising out of the use of inductive methods, false analogies, including argument from final cause.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

78. Hint in formulating generalization is:

· (a) To summarize the findings and compare them with the hypothesis.

· (b) Conclusions should be based on evidence of sound, adequate data, and must answer the questions asked in the problem.

· (c) Must prove or disprove the hypothesis, recognize the limitations of the study, and provide suggestions for application, implementation, and future investigation.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

81. Main body of the research report includes:

· (a) Introduction—Statement, significance, and purposes.

· (b) Assumptions and delimitations, and assumptions underlying the hypothesis.

· (c) Definition of important terms, statement of hypothesis.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

82. Main body of the research report has:

· (a) Review of related literature, design of the study procedure, and method and description of data gathering.

· (b) Presentation and analysis of data—text, tables, figures.

· (c) Summary and conclusions—brief restatement of problem and procedures, description of procedures used, findings, conclusions, and recommendations for further research.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

83. Reference section of a research report includes:

· (a) Bibliography.

· (b) Appendix.

· (c) Index if any.

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

84. Projective technique is used for measuring:

· (a) Individual’s need for self-actualization.

· (b) Individual’s inventoried interests.

· (c) Individual’s dominant feelings, emotions, conflicts, needs, repressed and stored up in the unconscious mind.

· (d) Individual’s value-system.
Answer: (c) Individual’s dominant feelings, emotions, conflicts, needs, repressed and stored up in the unconscious mind



85. Which is not a projective technique?

· (a) Rorschach

· (b) TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)

· (c) Sentence-Completion Test

· (d) Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI)
Answer: (d) Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI)

86. Importance of Projective tests lies in:

· (a) They reveal deeper layers of personality, i.e., emotions, conflicts, feelings, etc.

· (b) Reliability and validity.

· (c) Indirect methods of knowing and the potentials of a person.

· (d) Non-verbal and can be used even in case of illiterates and children.
Answer: (a) They reveal deeper layers of personality, i.e., emotions, conflicts, feelings, etc.

87. Technique for measuring interpersonal relationships is known as:

· (a) Psychogram

· (b) Psychodynamics

· (c) Sociogram

· (d) Scalogram
Answer: (c) Sociogram

88. Not measured by the TAT test is:

· (a) Personality needs

· (b) Personality adjustment

· (c) Reasoning ability

· (d) Emotions
Answer: (c) Reasoning ability

89. Which of the following is a projective test?

· (a) Alport-Vernon-Lindzey—A study of values

· (b) Rorschach Test

· (c) Edwards Personal Preference Schedule

· (d) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Answer: (b) Rorschach Test

90. A projective technique uses:

· (a) A short structured interview schedule

· (b) Unstructured stimulus situations such as ink-blots, photographs, etc.

· (c) On the spot participants observations for measuring an individual’s qualities

· (d) Direct observations of a person’s behavior
Answer: (b) Unstructured stimulus situations such as ink-blots, photographs, etc.


92. Which of the following projective technique includes—Ten ink blots—Five in black and white, two with splashes of red, and three in other colors, printed on 7″ x 9.5″ cards?

· (a) Rorschach Test

· (b) Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

· (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

· (d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Answer: (a) Rorschach Test

93. In Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), the psychologist asks questions like:

· (a) What does the picture mean to the subject?

· (b) What can be the factors that have led to the situation?

· (c) What will be the outcome?

· (d) All of the above.
Answer: (d) All of the above

94. One major limitation of the projective test is that:

· (a) Individual tests

· (b) Not reliable and valid

· (c) Require highly specialized training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of these tests

· (d) Very costly
Answer: (c) Require highly specialized training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of these tests

95. Opinionaire is defined as a special form of inquiry to collect:

· (a) The opinion of a sample of population on certain facts

· (b) To quantify, analyze, and interpret the collected data

· (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

· (d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Answer: (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

96. Opinionaire uses, which of the following for soliciting responses:

· (a) A three-point scale (agree, undecided, and disagree)

· (b) A five-point scale (strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, and strongly disagree)

· (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

· (d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

97. Sociometry is a technique for describing:

· (a) Social relationships that exist between members of a group

· (b) Attractions or repulsions between individuals

· (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

· (d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Answer: (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

98. Data received in response to the choice situations provided is tabulated in the form of a:

· (a) Sociograph

· (b) Sociometric matrix

· (c) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

· (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

99. Sociometric choices may be represented graphically on a chart known as:

· (a) Sociogram

· (b) Scalogram

· (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

· (d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Answer: (a) Sociogram

100. The sociometric technique is closely identified with:

· (a) Helen Jennings and J.L. Moreno

· (b) P.V. Young

· (c) Henry A. Murray

· (d) None
Answer: (a) Helen Jennings and J.L. Moreno





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