Educational Research
1. Research is defined as:
(a) Careful search
(b) Inquiry
(c) Critical Investigation
(d) All of the above
2. What is not research?
(a) It is not an attempt to holster up pre-conceived opinions
(b) Readiness to accept conclusions
(c) Adds to scientific knowledge
(d) Discovery of relationships
3. There is only person who has defined Educational Research. He is:
(a) John W. Best
(b) W.M. Travers
(c) George Mouly
(d) None of above
4. Who said “Educational Research is that activity which is directed toward development of science of behaviour in educational situation.”
(a) F.L. Whites
(b) W.S. Monroe
(c) W.M. Travers
(d) J.W. Best
5. Man in his search for truth has appealed to five sources of evidence. Those are:
(a) Custom and tradition
(b) Authority
(c) Personal experience
(d) Reasoning from self-evident propositions
6. Which is not a characteristic of Science?
(a) Science employs hypothesis
(b) Science is based on facts
(c) Science is not free from emotional bias
(d) Science uses quantitative methods
7. Which is not a characteristic of educational research?
(a) It usually employs deductive reasoning
(b) It is not the field of specialist only
(c) It does not require inter-disciplinary approach
(d) It comes out of desire to do better
8. Research is of:
(a) Two types
(b) Three types
(c) Four types
(d) Many types
9. The types of Research are:
(a) Basic or Fundamental research
(b) Applied research
(c) Action research
(d) All the above
10. Basic or Fundamental research is also known as:
(a) Pure research
(b) Field research
(c) Uncontrolled research
(d) None of the above
11. Stephen M. Corey is associated with:
(a) Action research
(b) Applied research
(c) Pure research
(d) Scientific research
13. The fields of Educational research are:
(a) Ten
(b) Fifteen
(c) Sixteen
(d) Many
14. In order to locate a problem, we have to develop:
(a) Problem awareness
(b) Problem consciousness
(c) ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of the above
15. Most of the beginners in research suffer from:
(a) Problem blindness
(b) Too many problems
(c) Lack of training to tend a problem
(d) None of the above
16. How many sources of Educational research have been identified by or admitted by Good, Barr and Scates?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Seven
17. Criteria for selecting a research problem:
(a) Novelty
(b) Availability of data
(c) Useful for society
(d) All the above
18. “Delimitation of the research problem is a must.” Do you agree?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) You can do without it
(d) Don’t know
19. Delimitation of a problem means:
(a) What of research
(b) Why of research
(c) How of research
(d) Drawing a boundary round it
20. Hypothesis is a tentative information or provisional guess which seems and explains the situation under observation.”
Who defined Hypothesis as this?
(a) John W. Best
(b) James E. Greetan
(c) Lokesh Kaul
(d) K.S. Sidhu
21. A good hypothesis is not:
(a) Clear
(b) Modifiable
(c) Verifiable
(d) None of the above
22. There are different forms of hypothesis. Their number is:
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
23. Null, Prediction, Declaration, Question are:
(a) Forms of hypothesis
(b) Types of hypothesis
(c) Variations
(d) None of the above
24. A hypothesis is to be studied for:
(a) Logical consistency
(b) For agreement with the fact
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of the above
25. A research hypothesis is generally converted into Null hypothesis:
(a) It is safer
(b) It cannot be tested statistically
(c) It is a general statement
(d) It is a vague statement
26. Explain F Ratio:
(a) A ratio between mean SSA and mean SSW
(b) A ratio which is always more than 1.0
(c) A ratio between mean SST and mean SSA
(d) A ratio between mean SST and mean SSW
27. In which situation X2 (chi square) test can be used?
(a) K = 2, but some expected frequencies are less than 5
(b) Df is greater than 1, but more than 20% is smaller than 1
(c) A ratio between mean SST and mean SSA
(d) A ratio between mean SST and mean SSW
28. A zero correlation represents:
(a) No relationship between variables (Null)
(b) A positive correlation
(c) A negative correlation
(d) A perfect relationship between two variables
30. What is the main purpose of survey of related studies?
(a) To avoid duplication
(b) To know methods of attack
(c) To know what is already known
(d) Insight into methods
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