
.21. Portfolios still serve as a form of:

A. Formative assessment
B. Diagnostic assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Placement assessment

Ans: C. Summative assessment

22. A substantial argument in support of portfolios centers upon the beneficial consequences for the:

A. Learner
B. Teacher
C. School
D. Administration

Ans: A. Learner

23. The use of the term in education and training has increased in recent years.

A. Formative assessment
B. Performance-based assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. End unit assessment

Ans: B. Performance-based assessment

24. Mid-semester assessment that contributes to a final mark might be considered as:

A. Formative in nature
B. Summative in nature
C. Performance-based in nature
D. None

Ans: B. Summative in nature

25. Criterion-referenced tests grew out of mastery learning and approaches to learning that were meant to be:

A. Diagnostic
B. Instructional
C. Evaluative
D. Formative

Ans: B. Instructional


26. Criterion-referenced assessments are useful for mastery and competency testing not only because they focus on a special domain but also they describe:

A. Exactly what a person can do
B. Latent trait of student
C. Students’ performance against a specific group
D. Both A and B

Ans: A. Exactly what a person can do

27. Informal assessment is unremarkable, less structured and private; its results tend to be used:

A. Formatively
B. Diagnostically
C. Summatively
D. Formatively and diagnostically

Ans: D. Formatively and diagnostically

28. A key feature of an assessment task or event is the extent to which it is:

A. Proportionate
B. Fixed
C. Standardized
D. Simple

Ans: C. Standardized

29. Failure to use standardization means that results are not comparable across:

A. Nations
B. Individuals
C. Groups
D. Schools

Ans: B. Individuals

30. A diagnostic reading test administered by an infant’s teacher who is required to read instructions word for word from a manual would also be a:

A. Standardized assessment
B. Formal assessment
C. Informal assessment
D. Performance-based assessment

Ans: A. Standardized assessment

31. Most assessments in education are:

A. Objective type
B. Subjective type
C. Both A and B
D. Standardized

Ans: A. Objective type

32. One of the secrets of the success of self-assessment is that the students are continuously exposed to a flow of:

A. Tests
B. Informal assessments
C. Feedback
D. None

Ans: C. Feedback

33. It is usually the case that teachers use the test scores of their students as a single indicator to:

A. Judge performance
B. Evaluate learning
C. Diagnose problems
D. Recommend for a new class

Ans: B. Evaluate learning

34. The blueprint of an assessment gives us assurance that our assessment is based on the:

A. Content and syllabus
B. Content and learning outcomes
C. Learning outcomes only
D. All of the above

Ans: B. Content and learning outcomes

35. Many performance-based and practical assessments do not involve:

A. Psychomotor skills
B. Cognitive skills
C. Practical skills
D. Motor skills

Ans: A. Psychomotor skills

36. Questioning is a direct approach for assessing:

A. Skills
B. Performance
C. Attitudes
D. Cognition

Ans: C. Attitudes

37. Case studies are one special form of questioning which can be used to gauge and assess:

A. Values
B. Beliefs
C. Opinions
D. Interests

Ans: A. Values

38. Essays are widely used in the humanities where the sustained expression of ideas is important for assessment.

A. Social sciences
B. Humanities
C. Mathematics
D. Arts

Ans: B. Humanities

39. A question such as “outline three causes of inflation during the period 1980-1990?” would be a:

A. Restricted response
B. Extended response
C. Short question
D. Closed-ended

Ans: A. Restricted response

40. The first step before preparing the test is to:

A. Review course outline
B. Set objectives
C. Draw table of specification
D. Draw students’ outcomes

Ans: C. Draw table of specification

41. As a general rule, increasing the length of an assessment will increase the __________ of results.

A. Reliability
B. Validity
C. Internal consistency
D. Both A and B

Ans: A. Reliability

42. Several test equating techniques have been developed in order to tackle the need for equivalent scores of different forms of the:

A. Same tests
B. Different tests
C. Equal tests
D. None

Ans: A. Same tests

43. Reliability coefficients theoretically range in value from:

A. 0 to 1.00
B. 1 to 1
C. 0 to 5.00
D. None

Ans: A. 0 to 1.00

44. An 80 to 90 reliability interpretation shows which level of reliability:

A. Excellent
B. Very good
C. Good
D. Poor

Ans: B. Very good

45. NEAS is responsible under the sponsorship of the government of Pakistan to carry out:

A. Aptitude tests
B. Attitude test
C. Annual assessments
D. None

Ans: C. Annual assessments

46. In Pakistan, the importance of assessment was realized after:

A. 2000
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 2002

Ans: A. 2000

47. The National Education Assessment System was established to undertake systematic evaluation of students in order to:

A. Share results with policymakers
B. Improve the education quality reform process
C. Involve stakeholders in improving assessment
D. All of the above

Ans: D. All of the above

48. Competencies based on affective domains are:

A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 7

Ans: A. 5

49. The establishment of NEAS and PEACEs came as an initiative of:

A. Text board wing
B. Curriculum wing
C. Evaluation wing
D. None

Ans: B. Curriculum wing

50. A mechanism for National Assessment of Learning Achievement at the school level is:


Ans: A. PEAS



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