
111. Which of the following indicates placement assessment?

A. Tests to measure students’ prior knowledge
B. Tests to monitor students’ progress
C. Tests to measure students’ achievements
D. Tests to diagnose learning difficulties

Ans: A. Tests to measure students’ prior knowledge

111. Which of the following indicates placement assessment?

A. An end of course test used to assign grades
B. A test of grammar skills at the start of a language class
C. An assessment in Mathematics to assess progress in learning
D. A device for observing and recording reading errors

Ans: B. A test of grammar skills at the start of a language class

112. Diagnostic assessments are intended to measure:

A. Performance at the beginning of a course
B. Learning progress during a course
C. Achievement at the end of a course
D. Underlying causes of a problem

Ans: D. Underlying causes of a problem

113. Which of the following is an example of diagnostic assessment?

A. An end of course test used to assign grades
B. A test of grammar skills at the start of a language class
C. An assessment in learning to assess progress in learning
D. A device for observing and recording reading errors

Ans: D. A device for observing and recording reading errors

114. Formative assessments are intended to measure:

A. Performance at the beginning of a course
B. Learning progress during a course
C. Achievement at the end of a course
D. Underlying causes of a problem

Ans: B. Learning progress during a course

115. Which of the following is an example of formative assessment?

A. An end of course test used to assign grades
B. A test of grammar skills at the start of a language class
C. An assessment in Mathematics to assess progress in learning
D. A tool for observing and recording reading errors

Ans: C. An assessment in Mathematics to assess progress in learning

116. Which of the following is an example of summative assessment?

A. Annual exam used to assign grades
B. A test of grammar skills at the start of a language class
C. An assessment in Mathematics to assess progress in learning
D. A tool for observing and recording reading errors

Ans: A. Annual exam used to assign grades

117. Summative assessments are intended to measure:

A. Performance at the beginning of a course
B. Learning progress during a course
C. Achievement at the end of a course
D. Underlying causes of a problem

Ans: (C) Achievement at the end of a course

118. Assessment designed to provide a measure of performance that is interpretable in terms of an individual’s relative standing in some known group is called:

A. Criterion-Referenced measurement
B. Norm-Referenced measurement
C. Diagnostic measurement
D. None

Ans: (B) Norm-Referenced measurement

119. Assessment designed to provide a measure of performance that is interpretable in terms of a clearly defined and delimited domain of learning tasks is called:

A. Criterion-Referenced measurement
B. Norm-Referenced measurement
C. Diagnostic measurement
D. None

Ans: (A) Criterion-Referenced measurement

120. In Norm-Referenced measurement, students’ performance is measured with reference to:

A. The performance of other students.
B. A set standard.
C. Both a & b
D. None

Ans: (A) The performance of other students.

121. In Criterion-Referenced measurement, students’ performance is measured with reference to:

A. The performance of other students.
B. A set standard.
C. Both a & b
D. None

Ans: (B) A set standard.

122. Which of the following is an example of Norm-Referenced measurement?

A. Better than 80% students
B. Got 33 out of 75 marks
C. Got 80% marks
D. None of the above

Ans: (A) Better than 80% students

123. Which of the following is an example of Criterion-Referenced measurement?

A. Better than 80% students
B. Percentile score
C. Got 33 out of 75 marks
D. None of the above

Ans: (C) Got 33 out of 75 marks

124. Objective-Referenced measurement is a kind of:

A. Norm-Referenced measurement
B. Criterion-Referenced measurement
C. Both a & b
D. None

Ans: (B) Criterion-Referenced measurement

125. A statement that describes teacher’s intent in terms of the type of performance students are expected to demonstrate as a result of instruction is called:

A. Curriculum Goal
B. Subject Aims
C. Instructional Objective
D. None

Ans: (C) Instructional Objective

126. In the national curriculum of Pakistan, the term ‘SLO’ refers to:

A. Specific Learning Outcomes
B. Students Learning Outcomes
C. Stated Learning Outcomes
D. None

Ans: (B) Students Learning Outcomes

127. Which of the following is an essential component of a specific learning outcome?

A. Action
B. Condition
C. Criterion
D. All of the above

Ans: (D) All of the above

128. Instructional Objective is an answer to:

A. What to assess
B. How to assess
C. Both a & b
D. None

Ans: (A) What to assess

129. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is divided into:

A. Five domains
B. Three domains
C. Four domains
D. Two domains

Ans: (B) Three domains

130. Which of the following is the list of the domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy?

A. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application
B. Pre-structural, Semi-structural, Multi Structural
C. Cognitive, Comprehensive, Affective
D. Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor

Ans: (D) Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor

131. Which of the following words is related to Bloom’s Cognitive domain?

A. Intellectual abilities
B. Attitude and interest
C. Motor skill
D. None

Ans: (A) Intellectual abilities

132. Which of the following word is related to Bloom’s Affective domain?

A. Intellectual abilities
B. Attitude and interest
C. Motor skill
D. None

Ans: (B) Attitude and interest

133. Which of the following word is related to Bloom’s Psychomotor domain?

A. Intellectual abilities
B. Attitude and interest
C. Motor skills
D. None

Ans: (C) Motor skills

134. Which of the following does not belong to Bloom’s Cognitive domain?

A. Knowledge
B. Relational
C. Comprehension
D. Synthesis

Ans: (B) Relational

135. Which of the following is the lowest level in Bloom’s Cognitive domain?

A. Evaluation
B. Application
C. Knowledge
D. Synthesis

Ans: (C) Knowledge

136. Which of the following key words are related to the ‘Knowledge’ level in Bloom’s Cognitive domain?

A. Enlist, tell, quote
B. Explain, describe, summarize
C. Relate, apply, calculate
D. All of the above

Ans: (A) Enlist, tell, quote

137. Which of the following key words are related to the ‘Comprehension’ level in Bloom’s Cognitive domain?

A. Enlist, tell, quote
B. Explain, describe, summarize
C. Relate, apply, calculate
D. All of the above

Ans: (B) Explain, describe, summarize

138. Which of the following key words are related to the ‘Application’ level in Bloom’s Cognitive domain?

A. Enlist, tell, quote
B. Relate, determine, calculate
C. Explain, describe, summarize
D. All of the above

Ans: (B) Relate, determine, calculate

139. The highest level of Bloom’s Cognitive domain is:

A. Evaluation
B. Application
C. Knowledge
D. Synthesis

Ans: (A) Evaluation

140. Which of the following sets enlist only the levels of SOLO taxonomy?

A. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis
B. Pre-structural, Semi-structural, Multi Structural, Relational
C. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Evaluation
D. Pre-structural, Uni-structural, Multi Structural, Relational

Ans: D. Pre-structural, Uni-structural, Multi Structural, Relational


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