
.81. It is not a reward of degree, but is an extended form of assignment:

A. Thesis
B. Term paper
C. Semester
D. Projects

Ans: B. Term paper

82. Assessments in different terms like first and second term is an example of:

A. Placement assessment
B. Periodic assessment
C. Formative assessment
D. Summative assessment

Ans: B. Periodic assessment

83. CSS examination is an example of:

A. Periodic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Placement assessment
D. Summative assessment

Ans: C. Placement assessment

84. Induction training in Punjab consists of:

A. 4 weeks
B. 4 months
C. 4 years
D. 40 weeks

Ans: A. 4 weeks

85. In a two-way table of specification, the y-axis consists of objectives of assessment while the x-axis consists of:

A. Content of the test
B. Types of the test
C. Difficulty levels
D. Assessment methods

Ans: A. Content of the test

86. Two-way table of specification is most popular in:

A. Norm Referenced tests
B. Criterion referenced tests
C. Both A and B
D. None

Ans: A. Norm Referenced tests

87. Traits like anxiety, creativity, curiosity, scientific attitude, and intelligence are examples of:

A. Content validity
B. Construct validity
C. Predictive validity
D. None

Ans: B. Construct validity

88. Assessment tests which limit within specific interval period of time are called:

A. Power tests
B. Speed tests
C. Time specific tests
D. Both A and C

Ans: B. Speed tests

89. Restricted response tests are:

A. Subjective but not essay type
B. Essay type but not subjective
C. Objective but not essay type
D. Supply type but not objective

Ans: A. Subjective but not essay type

90. A good paper should have a reflection of all:

A. Cognitive abilities
B. Effective abilities
C. Psychomotor abilities
D. All of the above

Ans: A. Cognitive abilities

91. SOLO taxonomy was given by:

A. Kart Howl
B. Simpson
C. Biggs and Collis
D. None

Ans: C. Biggs and Collis

92. Portfolio is an accumulative record to check the student’s all records to assess his/her:

A. Cognitive skills
B. Affective skills
C. Psychomotor skills
D. All of the above

Ans: D. All of the above

93. Time table, sample assignments, course outlines, and format of writing are examples of:

A. Documentation portfolio
B. Course portfolio
C. Showcase portfolio
D. Process portfolio

Ans: B. Course portfolio

94. School management committee was established in:

A. 1970
B. 1980
C. 1960
D. 1950

Ans: B. 1980

95. Andragogical skills are related to the:

A. Adults
B. Peers
C. Children
D. Teenagers

Ans: A. Adults

96. Pedagogical skills are special types of skills that work to improve skills of:

A. Adults
B. Peers
C. Children
D. Teenagers

Ans: C. Children

97. If content is related from grade one to middle level then such type of content organization is called:

A. Vertical organization of content
B. Horizontal organization of content
C. Middle level of organization of content
D. None

Ans: A. Vertical organization of content

98. The selected response item format is the best choice for test developers interested in efficient, effective measurement of:

A. Cognitive ability
B. Affective ability
C. Psychomotor ability
D. None

Ans: A. Cognitive ability

99. Standard setting is rightly seen as a statistical and procedural necessity that claims to the pure:

A. Subjectivity
B. Objectivity
C. Specificity
D. Analysis

Ans: B. Objectivity

100. “The systematic process of collecting and analysing data in order to make a decision is called”

A. Evaluation
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Testing

Ans: A. Evaluation

101. “The process of quantifying the degree to which someone or something possesses a given trait is called”

A. Evaluation
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Testing

Ans: B. Measurement

102. Which of the following describes a test?

A. Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior
B. Process of obtaining student data
C. Making judgments about student performance
D. None

Ans: A. Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior

103. The aim of student evaluation is to make:

A. Decision
B. Prediction
C. Judgment
D. None

Ans: C. Judgment

104. The aim of student evaluation is to make:

A. Decision
B. Prediction
C. Judgment
D. None

Ans: C. Judgment

105. Which of the following is the broadest of all in scope?

A. Test
B. Evaluation
C. Assessment
D. None

Ans: B. Evaluation

106. Which of the following is the narrowest of all in scope?

A. Test
B. Evaluation
C. Assessment
D. None

Ans: A. Test

107. Which of the following classification of assessments is based on their functional role?

A. Placement assessment and formative assessment
B. Norm-referenced assessment and Criterion-referenced assessment
C. Fixed-choice assessment and Complex-Performance assessment
D. None of the above

Ans: A. Placement assessment and formative assessment

108. Which of the following set of assessments is based on their format of tests?

A. Placement assessment and formative assessment
B. Norm-referenced assessment and Criterion-referenced assessment
C. Fixed-choice assessment and Complex-Performance assessment
D. None of the above

Ans: C. Fixed-choice assessment and Complex-Performance assessment

109. Which of the following category of assessments is based on their result interpretation?

A. Placement assessment and formative assessment
B. Norm-referenced assessment and Criterion-referenced assessment
C. Fixed-choice assessment and Complex-Performance assessment
D. None of the above

Ans: B. Norm-referenced assessment and Criterion-referenced assessment

110. Placement assessments are intended to measure:

A. Performance at the beginning of a course
B. Learning progress during a course
C. Achievement at the end of a course
D. Underlying causes of a problem

Ans: A. Performance at the beginning of a course


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