1. Philosophy is combination of two Greek words Philos. (Love), Sophia (Wisdom)
  2. Values not change over time, truth is not changed according to Idealism
  3. Instruction is teacher centered, by favorite lecture method in Idealism
  4. Thoughts control reality, Senses are unreliable, you cannot trust on sensesIdealism
  1. Oldest western Philosophy Idealism
  2. Mind, ideas, and spirit are only true reality Idealism
  3. Matter/material world is changing and is not real. Focus on self-realization. Idealism
  4. Focus is on conscious reasoning (rationalism) in the mind Idealism
  5. Values are predetermined, absolute & unchanging, and man is not creator of values.Idealism It is monism theory which says God is all source of knowledge Idealism
  6. Body & matter are false, mind thoughts and ideas are real and true.Idealism
  7. Man being spiritual is supreme creation (it’s a glimpse of humanist philosophical view) IdealismSpiritual laws are universal, Idealism
  8. It is against realism, sensory experience and scientific method to explain nature. Idealism
  9. Truth is perfect & eternal and cannot be found in matter which is imperfect and constantly changing, Idealism, Exponents of idealism were Frobel, Descartes,Idealism
  10. Believe in existence of God, Universe is created by God.Idealism
  11. Plato (427-347 BC) and his teacher Socrates were founder of Idealism
  12. Idealismhas Greek origin, It is Psycho-centric (Mind is at center of reality)
  13. Idealismbelieves that human personality if of supreme importance and constitute noblest work of God, therefore supreme aim of education is to exalt self which implies self-realization It is called Exaltation of Humanity.
  14. It is also called spiritualism Idealism It is search for truth, beauty and justice” Idealism
  15. Education refers to discover universal principle of truth, beauty and goodness which govern human conduct said bySocrates
  16. “philosophy believed that ideas are only true reality, Idealism
  17. Self is primary reality, reality may be one or many, self-realization.Idealism
  18. Values are real & unchanging, evil has not real existence, character development, preparation for whole life Idealism
  19. Search for true ideas, spiritual knowledge is ultimate Idealism
  20. Aims of education  are search for truth, self-realization, character/moral development Plato said soul is fully form and perfect.
  21. Emphasis is on thinking, reasoning, book reading, believe in positive education Idealism
  22. Emphasis is on Inner discipline (discipline of mind and intellect), moral & religious instruction, Restrain child freedom Idealism
  23. Teaching methodsare lecture, discussion, dialogue, question answer (dialectic method) storytelling book reading Idealism
  24. Teacher centered, teacher is spiritual guide and role model Idealism
  25. Objective idealismwas presented by Plato which states ideas are essence
  26. Subjective idealismwas presented by George Berkeley which states man is able to reason without perception from outside
  27. Religious idealismstates eternal values exist in God
  28. Idealism was explained by Plato in his book republic
  29. There two kinds of worlds one is mental/spiritual which is eternal, permanent & orderly 2nd is world of appearance, which is experienced through senses, changing, imperfect, disorderly this division is called duality of mind and body.
  30. Idealism and Utopian society were mentioned in Republic
  31. Utopian society was described as ideal society
  32. University of Utopia was written by Robert Hutchins
  33. Plato’sFamous saying is “see with the eyes of mind”
  34. Mind is real according to Plato, Matter/Physical world is real according to Aristotle
  35. Stress mind over matter.Idealism, Stress matter over mind Realism
  36. Teacher leads the child toward reality Realism has Greek origin.
  37. Aristotle (382-322 BC) was founder and exponents are john Locke, Russell
  38. “Reality exists independent of human mind matter is real not mind”
  39. Real world is world of nature, world is composed of matter Realism
  40. Ideas, are only images of physical world. Focus is on character development. Realism
  41. It is against idealism.Realism, students should be given rewards Realism
  42. Physical world/ material world is real (matter-centric) Realism
  43. It is scientific, it does not believe in existence of God. Realism
  44. It is pluralistic (multiple sources of real knowledge) Realism
  45. All knowledge is derived from experience (Senses)  Realism
  46. Physical world & universe is operated by natural laws Realism
  47. Discover truth through sensory experience, observation & scientific method Realism
  48. Empiricism and Scientific method, deducted method were given byRealism
  49. Nothing is permanent in this universe like values. Realism
  50. Develop rational power in learners. Oppose bookish learning Realism
  51. Prepare child to understand material world by inquiry.Realism
  52. Equip learner with knowledge & skills (vocational) Realism
  53. Aristotle is father of Scientific method., Psychology (Peripsyche first book on Psychology), Realism., Discipline of logic (Reasoning)
  54. Restrain child freedom, teacher is dominant Realism
  55. Teach basicreading writing & arithmetic, Focus on mastery of facts & skills. Realism
  56. Inductive, heuristic, experimental method, field trips, demonstration teaching methods and use of AV aids, are used in Realism
  57. Objects are independent of mind whether they are known or not. Naïve realism
  58. Object’s existence is independent of knowledge, but metaphysical thoughts depend on mind. It is based on john lock’s mind. Representationalism

Qualities of an objects are its own, knowledge does not affect them. Neo Realism

  1. Object possess qualities and is directly known, different people have different knowledge of an object Critical Realism
  2. Realism was in reaction of idealismand pragmatism was reaction against both idealism and realism
  3. Nature is real & valuable Naturalism, it has French origin. Naturalism,
  4. Aims of education is self-expression,according to Naturalism
  5. Naturalism is also calledPositivism Naturalism.
  6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778 ad) was founder of Naturalism.
  7. Exponents of Naturalismare Montessori, Darwin, spencer McDougall,
  8. Emphasizes that nature alone represents reality there is nothing beyond nature Naturalism, Slogan of is Back to nature.
  9. Material world is real, does not believe in spiritualism Naturalism.
  10. Natural laws are universal & necessary.Naturalism.
  11. Nature is everything, does not believe in existence of God Naturalism.
  12. Man born good society make him bad Naturalism.
  13. Man born free but everywhere he is in chain (imprisonment)
  14. Essence of life is instinct (natural response to any environment) Naturalism.
  15. Divide education into two methods positive & negative education Naturalism.
  16. Rejects positive education (the traditional education) Naturalism
  17. Prefer negative education Naturalism.
  18. Complete departure from direct/traditional education child should be taught/protect from false hood he will develop reasoning power and learn to understand truth or virtue by himself a concept of negative education in Naturalism.
  19. Everything comes from nature & return to it Naturalism.
  20. Senses are gateway to knowledgeNaturalism. No spiritual values in Naturalism.
  21. Emphasizes child freedom present experience, science, scientific knowledge. Naturalism
  22. Nature is itself real (Naturo centric) nature is best school Naturalism.
  23. Child is center of reality it is psychological based Naturalism.
  24. Naturalism Curriculum has5 developmental levels. Infancy (0-2 years) Childhood –age of nature (2-12 years).Boyhood (pre-adolescence) (12-15), Youth (puberty- 16-20) Adulthood (20-25). They are against examination of students Naturalism.
  25. This stage is Noble savage as Rousseau described in the social contract. Boyhood
  26. Man is lower form of life from which he is evolved Biological Naturalism
  27. Negative Education that tend to perfect the organs that are instruments of knowledge before giving them knowledge directly, education that try to prepare reason by proper exercise of senses” Rousseau (it should be given to child from age 1-12 years)
  28. Formal education is invention of society. Naturalism.
  29. Teaching method is pedo-centric (child-centered) Naturalism.
  30. Play-way and heuristic method are famous teaching methods in Naturalism.
  31. Reality exist in natural universe not in individual Physical Naturalism
  32. Man is mere a machine there is no spirit or soul only matter is everything. Mechanical Naturalism.
  33. All education is pleasant, no difference between mind and body
  34. Pragmatism isphilosophy of Practical Experience
  35. Pragmatismis derived from Greek– word Pragma means Practice/action/use
  36. Charles Pierce (1839-1914 AD) was founder of Pragmatism
  37. Exponents of Pragmatism are John Dewey, William James
  38. Pragmatism has USAorigin, Universe is dynamic according to
  39. Pragmatism is againstbreakdown of knowledge into different subjects and prefer integration of subject (Integrated curricula)
  40. Emphasizes that things/ideas that can be experienced or observed are real Pragmatism
  41. ‘Truth is that works” It is a famous principle of Pragmatism
  42. It is combination of ideas and experience with matter.
  43. It is pluralism theory (multiple sources of knowledge)
  44. It says thought must produce actions
  45. No fixed values, values change over time reality & values are still making.
  46. Emphasis on practical experience that produce testable and verifiable knowledge Knowledge acquired through practice/experience only. Pragmatism.
  47. Ultimate reality is utility (Practicability)
  48. Anthropo centric (human experience is center of reality)
  49. Reality is still making it is not ready made
  50. Different group work cooperatively to develop democracy (wants a democratic society) ultimate purpose is creation of new society
  51. Leaner must adopt to each other their environment
  52. Focus on development of individual
  53. Utilitarian’s philosophy, utility is test of all truth & reality
  54. It is a practical humanistic philosophy believe on present and democracy.
  55. Growth and development take place through interaction with environment.
  56. Reject metaphysics as area of philosophical enquiry.
  57. Conclusion or concept of death is mere a guess.
  58. Change is essence of reality (Change is reality/reality is constantly changing) is slogan of Pragmatism, Enable child to solve problems of daily life.
  59. More & more growth & creation of new values.  
  60. Prepare students for citizenship, daily living & future career.
  61. Creation of democratic ideals
  62. There are 4 principlesof pragmatists curriculum which are Principle of utilitarian’s, Learner interest, Learner’s experience Integration of subjects
  63. Child freedom, free discipline, self-discipline are focused in
  64. Teaching method is psychological & sociological, dualism (theory & practice) Problems are solved through scientific method inPragmatism.
  65. You cannot know something until you have not experienced it
  66. Project method, problem solving learning by doing, activity learning are methods of teaching in
  67. Student centered, where teacher is Facilitator
  68. Capacity of human being is valuable and enable him to adjust his environment or change environment according to his needs Biological Pragmatism.
  69. What satisfies human nature is only true & real. Satisfaction of desire, need develop life Humanistic Pragmatism.
  70. The principle is true which can be verified by experiment. Experimental Pragmatism.
  71. Existentialism isModern Youngest Philosophy
  72. Existentialism is derived from Latin-exsistere: stand out/to be)
  73. Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855 ad) was founder of Existentialism.
  74. Exponents of Existentialismare Jean Paul Sartre (1905-80), F. Nietzsche, Karl Jasper
  75. Existentialism has Danish(Denmark) origin. It is 20th century philosophy (1945)

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