- Space required for classroom in elementary school 6 m2
- space required for classroom in secondary school 01 m2
- Space required for classroom in higher secondary/college school 2 m2
- Timetable is also known as sparkplug& as a mirror of school
- Timetable is a written plan that reflect entire educational program followed by a school.
- There are02 Types of School Record (Perishable, Non Perishable)
- Perishable RecordIt can be removed after some time like casual leave register, daily roaster
- Non Perishable recordIt is for permanent use, and can be removed Examples Admission/with drawl register.
- Current leave rules of Punjab“Revised Leave Rules 1981”
- Which is vast in scope: Teaching Strategy.
- No limit on grant of half pays leaveas it is available by conversion in leave account.
- Extra-Ordinary Leave EOLis leave Without Pay
- If continuous service is more than tenyears EOL is granted up to 5 years
- If continuous service is less than ten EOLis granted up 2 years
- Casual leave CL per annum (per year) are
- Maximum casual leave sanctioned at a time under order is circumstances are 10
- Maximum casual leave sanctioned at a time under special circumstances
- Civil Servant in vacation department can avail earned leave per month 01
- Earned leave that a Civil Servant in non-vacation department can avail 04 per month.
- Per annum earned leave of Civil Servant in non-vacation department 48
- Per annum earned leave of Civil Servant in vacation department 12
- Who belongs to vacation department Teachers, Lecturers.
- Who belongs to Non-vacation department Headmaster, principle, clerk, Class-iv
- Teaching learning started since the birth of Adam A.S
- Holy Prophet PBUH started teaching his companion in his house
- 1stconference on Muslim education Held in Makah in May 1977 theme was educational planning
- 2ndconference on Muslim education Held in Islamabad on 15 March 1980 theme was design curriculum for different ladders of education
- 3rdconference on Muslim education Held in Dhaka from 11 to 15 march in 1981 theme was text-book development
- 4thconference Held in Jakarta in 1982 theme was methods of teaching
- 5thconference : held in Cairo in 1987 theme was evaluation of previous conferences
- 6thconference: held in Cape Town in 1996 theme was Islamic syllabus & lesson planning
- 7th conference: held in Kuala Lumpur in 2009 theme was identification of problems in Islamic education
- 8thconference: held in Bandar Sari Bhagwan (Brunei) in 2012 theme was impact of globalization on Muslim education
- Ability to create ideas with intelligence and imagination Creative thinking.
- Opposing sudden changes Conservative
- Thinking reflectively and evaluate ideas and values
- Some Quranic school in rural areas in Pakistan were converted to Mosque school in 1980
- First comprehensive school established in Multan in 1966
- Higher secondary school system introduced in 1986-1987
- Institute of educational research(IER) established in Punjab university with cooperation of Indiana university USA in 1960
- PMIUestablished in 2003 in Punjab under PESRP for school monitoring and implementation of government programs in schools.
- PMIU stands for programme monitoring and implementation unit
- MEAs(monitoring and evaluation assistant) the retired person from forces are appointed for monitoring and implementation of government programs in schools.
- What is EMIS code in school? Education Management Information System
- EMIS is aunique code for each school
- PESRP(Punjab Education Sector Reform Programme) started in 2003in Punjab with aid of World Bank
- PEEDA act promulgated in 2006
- Punjab Harassment of woman at workplace implemented in 2010
- Punjab woman empowerment package 2012
- Punjab Transparency and right to information act passed in 2013
- E-Learn Punjab started working in 2014(Provide soft books)
- Parho Punjab Barho Punjab slogan was launched in 2015
- -Word Test is derived from Latin word Testum (Lid of vessel)
- The earned account of gazetted servant is maintained by District Accounts Officer.
- Earned leave of non gazetted officer is maintained in Service Book.
- Maximum period of leave on full pay without medical certificate is 120 Days.
- Maximum period of leave on full pay that can be granted at one time with medical certificate is 180 Days.
- The leaves that cannot be refused is Medical Leave.
- The maximum period of leave without pay 5 Year.
- The salary is given as leave encashment for 365 Days.
- Condition for leave encashment is completion of 30 Years Service& surrender
- Maternity leave given to the ladies in non-vacation department for 3 Times.
- Maternity leave given to females in vacation department All the Timewhen needed.
- Period of study leave for the degree of doctorate is 3 Year.
- Study leave is granted to a government servant after continuous service of 5 Years.
- On medical certificate maximum leave out of leave account in entire service 365 Days
- Casual leave in high school is sanctioned by Principal/HM
- A leave granted outside of leave account on recommendation of medical attendant and period after leave shall be treated as duty with full pay Quarantine Leave
- Granted against leave to be earned in future. Leave Not Due
- It Can be granted up to (365) days during entire period of service.Leave Not Due
- During first five years of service it is granted up-to 90 days Leave Not Due
- Special Leave also calledIddat leave not debatable to the leave account.
- Granted to female employee on the death of her husband for 130 days. Special Leave
- Maternity Leave granted on full payfor 90 days, not debatable to leave account.
- Granted to male civil servant on birth of child on full pay, for 7 days Paternity Leave
- Granted 02times during service. Not debatable from leave account. Paternity Leave
- Disability leave Granted on medical advice up to (730) days.
- Leave granted (180) days on full pay and (550) days on half pay Disability leave
- This leave may be granted on full pay Ex-Pakistan Leave
- Maximum period of leave preparatory (LPR)to retirement 365 Days,
- Leave encashmentis granted if LPR
- Granted as extra casual leave on the recommendation of authorized medical attendant, period of leave is treated as duty. Quarantine leave
- Not admissible for teachers these are for medical employees Hospital leave.
- Medical certificate is issuedby MS of hospital for grant of medical leave
- West Pakistan pension rules started from 14 oct 1955
- There are04 types of pension.
- When job is removed, or changes made in nature of jobCompensation Pension
- Physical/mental illness, not able to perform duties on the bases of medical certificate Invalid Pension
- Superannuation:reaching age of 60 years
- Employee opts to retire after age of 25 years qualifying service Retiring pension
- CSR means Civil servant rules, first thing in CSR is Appointment
- Promotion is based on length of service
- Extend the status (increase post & grade) of employee is Promotion
- Stopping employee from working for period of maximum 03-Monthsis Suspension
- “Rational investigation of truth” Philosophy
- “Study of nature, cause, principles of reality, knowledge and values based on logical reasoning” Philosophy
- “A guide to a way of life, An activity,comprehensive picture of the universe. Philosophy
- Plato: “Philosophy is Knowledge of eternal nature of things”
- Cicero: “Philosophy is Mother of all arts”
100-John Locke Philosophy is Intellectual or moral activity,