• Inductive Method was given byFrances Bacon.
  • It begins with specific details, concrete data and examples and ends with generalization rule, or principle. Inductive Method
  • It is less teacher centered and more learner centered Inductive Method
  • The teacher presents students with many examples showing how the concept is used
  • Students use observation to build general principle. Inductive Method
  • It is also called induction, inductive reasoning, inductive thinking. Inductive Method
  • It is “Specific to general” or “Observation to theory” Inductive Method
  • “Examples to rules” or “Bottom-up approach” Inductive Method
  • “concrete to abstract” or “minor to major premise” Inductive Method
  • Steps in Inductive Method are Observation  à Pattern à Hypothesis  à Theory 
  • Deliberations: when students are asked to support one point of view on topic, then take and support opposing point of view and then write position paper.
  • Facilitative Questioningteacher poses open-ended question to the student allow them to explore complex or emotionally difficult ideas
  • Questions are best ways to attract students’ attention.
  • When students are not asking questions during teaching it means they are not understandingor not attentive in class
  • When students are asking questions, it means they are attractive and attentive
  • Story telling method of teaching was presented byPlato
  • Plato said “Story telling is main tool for formation of student’s character
  • Information Processing Theory of Miller information involves 03 steps
  • EncodingGathering and representing information
  • Holding information or memorizing for longer duration.
  • Retrieval Getting at the information when necessary
  • Chunking(given by Miller): {is a memorization technique} 
  • Process of taking in smaller pieces of information grouping them into bigger units Chunking
  • A person can remember 7 (5-9 chunks with plus or minus 02) chunks of information Miller
  • Maximum, or all the students participate by responding or presenting views on one topic this technique encourages new ideas among students.Brainstorming
  • Thinking of all possible solution to a problem is Brainstorming
  • A process to obtain the maximum number of ideas/new ideas relating to a specific area of interest. Brainstorming
  • The ideas of students are accepted without criticism or judgment and is then summarized on a white board by the teacher. Brainstorming
  • Brainstorming ideas are examined, usually in an open class discussion format.
  • Carrousel Brainstorming: When the subtopics or questions about a topic are posted throughout the room. Student groups brainstorm as they visit each of the subtopics.
  • Negative Brainstorming: The type of brainstorming in which students propose things not to do or ideas that are not examples
  • Affinity Diagram: It is the organized output from a brainstorming session created in the 1960s by kawaka Jiro and is also known as the KJ method.
  • Fish Bone: It is an organizing tool to help students visualize that how many events can be tied to an event or contribute to result
  • Field trip/school tripare also called excursions
  • A journey by teacher & students outside from their classroom in filed, historical places etc., where students got experiences & ideas that cannot be given in a classroom environment is called Field Trips
  • It provide first-hand information, supplement class instructions and verify previous information Field Trips
  • Elicitationmeans draw out. It is also called stimulant. It is a term which describes a range of techniques
  • Teacher get learners to provide information rather than giving it to them. Learner is able to link previous knowledge with new one e.g., Questioning, braining stormingElicitation
  • Problem-solving tasks that are designed for developing mathematical or scientific models to solve complex, real-world problems. Model-eliciting activities MEA
  • Mind Mapwas given by Tony Buzan
  • A mind mapinvolves writing down a central theme and thinking of new and related ideas which radiate out from the center.
  • A mind map is a diagram that is used to visually outline information. Mind map
  • When a teacher provides instruction to the entire class at one time for an extended period of time more than 10 minutes {usually 30 to 40/45 minutes} Macro-Teaching
  • Method where practice/repetition is made multiple time for memorization or grasping a concept Drill Method  
  • Language, mathematics, music, art and in athletic programs are learnt by Drill Method  
    • A machine learning based onprinciple of operant condition Programmed instructions
  • The teaching strategy classified under autocratic style is Programmed Instruction.
  • Program learningis a sequence of instructional material most of which requires a repose to be made by completing a blank space in sentence (Leith)
  • In programmed learning, learning takes place under Controlled Condition
  • Father of programmed learningF. Skinner
  • Programmed learning is brainchild of Behaviorism
  • Methods ofProgrammed learning  are Two
  • F. Skinner presentedLinear Programs where learner write answer.
  • Learner starts from initial behavior to terminal behavior following a straight line, student proceeds from one frame to the next until he completes the program. Linear Programs
  • Contents are broken down into pieces of instructions called frames
  • Norman Crowder presentedBranched/Intrinsic programs learner choose from options
  • Instructor includes MCQ test questions within the text & provides feedback for each of the incorrect alternative options when a student chooses them. Branched program
  • Principles f Branching Program are3
    • Principle of exposition. The whole concept is presented to the students
    • Principle of diagnosis.  Here the weakness of the learner is identified 
    • Principle of remediation. Learner has to move to a wrong page where a remedial instruction is provided.
  • Types/modes of CAI are 6
  • Tutorial: It includes both the presentation of information and its extension into different forms of work, including drill and practice, games, and simulation.
  • Drill-and-practice: It provide opportunities for students to repeatedly practice the skills that have previously been presented and that further practice is necessary for mastery.
  • Simulation: Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not require the expense of real life or its risks.
  • Games: Game software often creates a contest to achieve the highest score and either beat others or beat the computer.
  • Discovery: Provides a large database of information specific to a course and challenges the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate based on their explorations of the data
  • Problem solving: This approach helps children develop specific problem-solving skills and strategies.
  • Teaching technique implied for teacher training is Micro Teaching.
  • Time period for micro teaching is 5 To 10 Minutes, Phases of microteaching are
  • Micro teaching through technique is also called as Classical Micro Teaching.
    • Micro teaching is a: Teaching training technique.
    • What is the time of presentation in Micro teaching? 5-10 minutes.
    • What is the No of students in micro teaching? 5-10 Students.
    • Micro teaching started in: 1960 by Dwight W. Allen in Stanford University USA
    • Micro teaching focuses on the competency over: Skills
  • Micro teaching was explored through experimental research.
  • Micro-teaching is scaled down teaching encounter in class size & class time. W Allen
    • Wragge has suggested how many numbers of students in a micro teaching class? 5 to10
  • Condition necessary for micro teaching is Controlled environment, Repeated manifestation of only one skill, Observation and criticismAll
    • In which university the micro- teaching system started in 1961? Stanford University
  • Micro-teaching can control the practice by feedback
  • Which technique of teaching was also developed by Achesona doctoral candidate at Stanford University Microteaching?
  • Micro Teaching Cycle consists of 6 stepsand 36 minutes
  • Planning, Teaching-6 minutes, Feedback-6 minutes, Re-planning-12 minutes, Re-teaching-6 minutes, Re-feedback-6 minutes Micro Teaching Cycle
  • Play-way method was given byHenry Caldwell Cook and Rousseau was strongest exponent of this method
  • Interactive whiteboardis also known as collaborative whiteboard software is a digital version of traditional whiteboards 
  • E learninga learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources, (tools, and device like computer, mobile etc., and internet) 
  • E-pedagogy Instructions are designed, presented and evaluated using electronic and digital (internet) resources.
  • Massive open online course(MOOC) is a free web-based distance learning program that is designed for large numbers of geographically dispersed students
  • MOODLE Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
  • Online learning: Internet based necessarily involve both teacher and student in online platform. There is no interaction of teacher & students
  • Virtual learningClass timing, curriculum, assessment, and certification happen online under guidance of teacher. There is interaction between teacher & students
  • “The process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” Experiential learning Theorygiven by American, David Kolb in 1984
  • Kolb’s entire theory is based on this idea of convertingexperience into knowledge
  • The experiential learning cycleof Kolb is a four-step learning process that is applied multiple times in every interaction and experience: Experience – Reflect – Think – Act.
  • The Kolb Experiential Learning Profile(KELP) describes 09 different learning styles.
  • “Exposition and Illustration in Teaching”is an actually a book written by john Adams, it is also a teaching method.
  • Expositionis comprehensive description and explanation of idea or an exhibition of a topic at larger level.

100.Illustration means “making ideas clearer by giving examples and using visuals like diagrams or pictures”.

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