1. 8 Septemberis celebrated as International literacy day
  2. 5 Octoberis celebrated as International Teachers’ day
  3. International education day is celebratedon 24 January.
  4. First education minister of Pakistan was Fazal ul Rehman from 1947 to 1951
  5. Inductive method involves Divergent ThinkingDeductive method involves Convergent Thinking
  6. SDGs Stands forSustainable Development Goals
  7. Sustainable Development GoalSDG-04 is related to
  8. There are total 17 SDGswith 169 Targets to be met by
  9. SDGs were developed in 2015by 193 nations including Pakistan by replacing MDGs
  10. In 2000 total 08 MDGswere developed by 164 nations
  11. MDG 02( “Achieve universal primary education-UPE”)was related to Education
  12. Target of MDGs was set to be met by
  13. 08 MDGs were replaced in 2015 by 17 SDGs.
  14. Target of 17 SDGswas set to be met by 2030.
  15. Pakistan has committed to achieve 100% Literacy rateby 2030 under SDG-4
  16. UNESCO stands for United Nation Education, Science and Cultural Organization.
  17. “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. SDG-04
  18. Tutoring involves one teacher and one student
  19. Teaching involves one (or more) teacher and group of students
  20. Pakistan is world 2ndlargest country after Nigeria with more than 20 million out of school children according to report presented on 24 January 2022.
  21. Process model of curriculum is Learner centered(g., Taba model)
  22. Product model of curriculum is Teacher centered(e.g., Taylor Model)
  23. One system of education for all, in terms of curriculum, medium of instruction and a common platform of assessment SNC 2020
  24. Phases in Single National Curriculum (SNC) are03
  25. In SNC Math and Science subjects are aligned withTIMSS
  26. Medium of instruction in SNC isEnglish
  27. The first single national curriculum is not innational language.
  28. TIMSS stands forTrends in international mathematics & science study
  29. Played key role in SNC development National curriculum council (NCC)
  30. NCC was established in2014 it is 46 member body, its head is federal education minister
  31. IPEMC stands forInter Provincial Education Ministerial Conference
  32. Policy (NEP) 2009 assigns IPEMC the role to oversee educational developmentincluding monitoring and review of the national education policy.
  33. NCC was established under
  34. Development of 21st century skills were focused in SNC 2020
  35. Analysis of Pakistani curriculum with Singapore,Cambridge curriculum was made SNC
  36. Pakistan learners’ standards compared with Singapore, Malaysia/Indonesia, & UK standards. In SNC 2020
  37. Consultation was made with Cambridge university UK for English, math’s and science, LUMS and AKU-IED in SNC 2020
  38. NCF stands forNational Curriculum Framework
  39. NCF is a policy documentwhich provides guidelines for achieving national vision, mission, goals, and objectives of education through school curricula.
  40. NCF was approved by the NCC in its 8th meeting held on 25th July 2017.
  41. Phase 01 (Target date to be implemented March 2021) (ECE to 5th) (Implemented in August 2021)
  42. Phase 02 (To be implemented March 2022) (6thto 8th) (Implemented in April 2023) 
  43. Phase 03 (Target date to be implemented March 2023) (9thto 12th) (under process)
  44. The combination of different subjects in a short/pressed form. Integrated curriculum
  45. Important content which is covered across the subject rather than taught in one particular subject Cross Cutting Themes
  46. Hidden Curriculum (anImplicit curriculum) Unwritten social rules & expectations of behavior that we all seen to know but were never taught  said by Bibber
  47. Null-Curriculum (an Excluded Curriculum)given by Elliot Eisner 1979 Curriculum is that which is not taught.
  48. Curriculum designed to teach important skills which are necessary for learning & working independently to learner with cognitive impairments Functional Curriculum
  49. Curriculum designed for learners having sever cognitive impairments which describe their developmental level Developmental Curriculum
  50. Curriculum which consider diverse need, interest, experience & personal characteristics of all individuals Inclusive Curriculum
  51. A planned written, published and presented to leaners by teachers is explicit curriculum.
  52. Books are explicit curriculum.(Explicit curriculum is generally formal curriculum)
  53. An unplanned unwritten and unpublished curriculum, crafted in thinking process of learners is implicit curriculum(it is generally informal curriculum)
  54. A curriculum where key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with increasing level of complexity (given by Jerome Bruner-1966). Spiral Curriculum
  55. A curriculum which focus on what learners are expected to do rather than able to learn. Competency Based Curriculum:
  56. Actual teaching and learning activities taking place in schools Implemented Curriculum
  57. Indicates the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that learners actually acquire as a result of teaching and learning, Intended Curriculum
  58. Experienced organized by the school for learner’s educational institute & teacher are implementer of curriculum.School Curriculum
  59. Textbook is an example of supported curriculum
  60. Presented by experts and learned people  RecommendedCurriculum
  61. Are all major aspects of the content area should be covered by the test items or content is appropriate according to objectives of study. Content Validity
  62. The bases of content validity is relation betweenobjectives & Item (content)
  63. Test produce same results as produced by another standardized test Criterion Validity
  64. Predictive Validity and Concurrent Validity are two types ofCriterion Validity
  65. Extent to which a test can predict the future performance of the students. Predictive Validity
  66. Test produce similar results with previously held valid test.Concurrent Validity
  67. Extent to which a test reflects to measure of a hypothesized trait, Constructive Validity
  68. It is checked what should exist in test theoretically. Constructive Validity
  69. Does test measure the construct that is intended to measure? (It is established through logical analysis) Constructive Validity
  70. Convergent-Validity and Divergent-Validity are two types ofConstructive Validity
  71. When different measures have only underlying common construct Convergent-Validity
  72. When different measures are not tightly related to common construct Divergent-Validity
  73. When one looks at the test, he thinks of the extent to which the test seems logically related to being tested or when a test is valid by definition. Face validity
  74. Test is valid if difference on dependent variable is direct result of independent variable not due to other variable Internal Validity
  75. Test is valid if results generalized to the population outside the sample External Validity
  76. When similar tests are applied repeatedly and produce same results. Test-Retest Reliability
  77. Systematic error is related to validity
  78. Test-Retest Reliability has two typesInter-Rater, Intra-Rater
  79. Similar test given to different students at same time Inter-Rater
  80. Similar test given to same students at different time Intra-Rater
  81. Used to assess the consistency of the results of two tests constructed in the same way from the same content domain. Parallel-Forms Reliability
  82. Test is distributed into two halves; results of both halves are correlated & compared in Split-Half Reliability
  83. Following methods are used for Split-Half Reliability Spear-brown prophecy formula , Cronbach –alpha both
  84. Spear-brown prophecy formula (r=2r /1+r)r= correlation between two halves
  85. Cronbach –alpha:test is divided into two halves again & again with different sequence & their correlation is determines. Value >0.7 is good if it is >0.9 it would be
  86. Used to assess the consistency of results of the items within a test. Kudar-Richardsonmethod or split test method  is used for this reliability Internal Consistency Reliability
  87. Qualitativeresearchers are sometimes criticized as: Story tellers not researchers
  88. Qualitativeresearchers deal more with: Words rather than figures
  89. Criticalcase samples are mostly used in: Qualitative research
  90. It focus on number/quantity, its results are more accurate, precise & generalizable, results are described in numerical formQuantitative research
  91. It is Objective, deductive, confirmatory and test hypothesisQuantitative research
  92. It focus on text quality, results are less accurate/generalizable, Qualitativeresearch
  93. It is Subjective, Inductive, exploratory Qualitativeresearch
  94. When children become active members of their peer group? In Adolescence
  95. Students ask questions from each other during presentations.Peer Questioning
  96. Concept of Peer teaching was introduced by Dwight W Allen.
  97. In peer teaching who teaches the class
  98. People of same age and status are Peers.
  99. Learningfrom fellows is the characteristics of Peer teaching
  100. 100. When instruction is delivered by a person close in age or achievement to the person        receiving instruction, the process is known as Peer Tutoring

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