Nature of Teaching
44. Heuristic Method is based upon the assumption the learner should be told as little as possible and he should be encouraged to learn himself as much as possible Whose idea was the Heuristic Method of teaching?
A. John Dewey
B. Rousseau
C. Aristotle
D. Herbert Spencer
45. Pollio and Dankar in 1945 mentioned heuristic Strategy in the article entitled.
A. Innovative methods
B. New method
C. Problem solving
D. All of above
46. The limitations of Heuristic method
A. Cannot be used for lower classes
B. May be Time consuming
C. Can’t be employed on large classes
D. All of above
47. What is a problematic act carried to completion in its natural setting?
A. Lecture method
B. Discussion method
C. Project method
D. Recitation method
48. is used to achieve cognitive and affective objectives?
A. Recitation method
B. Project method
C. Lecture method
D. All of above
49. The project method of teaching has
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
50. The First and second steps in Project
method of teaching are?
A. Provision of situation
B. Selection of objectives
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
51. The First and second steps in Problem solving method is
A. Location
B. Explanation
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
57. The third and fourth steps in problem solving method are?
A. Collection of data
B. Evaluation
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
58. The Fifth and Sixth steps in problem solving method are?
A. Tentative solutions
B. Verification of results
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
59. Problem solving method has steps?
A. 3 B. 6
C. 1 D. 4
44. D 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. C 50. C 51. c 57. C 58. C 59. B
60. The types of problem solving method are?
A. Inductive
B. Deductive
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
61. From particular to general?
A. Deductive
B. Inductive
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
62. From general to particular?
A. Inductive
B. Deductive
C. Both A and B
D. None of A and B
63. The nature of teaching is
A. A triangular process
B. A chain of activities
C. Intimate contact
D. All of above
64. The method which is related to Discussion and recitation is
A. Lecture method
B. Drill method
C. Project method
D. Heuristic method
65. Question-answer strategy is known as?
A. Aristotle strategy
B. Plato strategy
C. Socratic strategy
D. All of above
66. In method of teaching a teacher establishes a chain of learning by linking pervious knowledge with new knowledge?
A. Recitation method
B. Lecture method
C. Socratic strategy
D. Project method
67. Which are the main types of questions in
Socratic strategy?
A. Introductory questions
B. Developing questions
C. Recapitulatory questions
D. All of above
68. Which questions in Socratic method of teaching are based on previous knowledge which is related to new knowledge?
A. Introductory questions
B. Recapitulatory questions
C. Developing questions
D. All of above
69. In Socratic method of teaching after introductory question, the questions which are asked?
A. Introductory questions
B. Recapitulatory questions
C. Developing questions
D. All of above
60. C 61. B 62. B 63. B 64. B 65. C 66. C 67. D 68. A 69. C
70. These type of questions provide the situations to practice the learned content?
A. Introductory questions
B. Developing questions
C. Recapitulatory questions
D. All of above
71. The last type of questions which are asked in Socratic method at the end of teaching are?
A. Introductory questions
B. Developing questions
C. Recapitulatory questions
D. Evaluatory questions
72. It is very difficult to prepare good questions and arrange them in psychological sequence in method
A. Lecture method
B. Recitations method
C. Socratic method
D. Project method
73. Which method of teaching is based on the principle that no students is particularly different from any group or class of students?
A. Project method
B. Group Differentiated method
C. Recitation method
D. Drill method
74. Which type of instruction yields both individual and collective beneftts?
A. Project-method
B. Drill method
C. Recitation method
D. Group Differentiated method
75. What are the Principles of Group instruction?
A. Equality, Classification and blending
Participation Evaluation
B. Period of existence group size, emphasis assignment
C. Capability Supervision Appreciation
D. All of above
76. Innovative methods of teaching are
A. Micro teaching
B. Simulation method
C. Programmed instruction
D. All of above
77. The term “Micro Teaching”frist of all,was coined by Dwight W.Allen and his coworkers at Stanford University U.S.A in the year ?
A. 1962
B. 1961
C. 1963
D. 1964
78. The maximum students Micro teaching are?
A. 5 to 10
B. 10 to 15
C. 15 to 20
D. 20 to 24
70. C 71. D 72. C 73. B 74. D 75. D 76. D 77. B 78. A 79. A
79. Maximized time period in Micro teaching is
A. 5 to 10 minutes
B. 10 to 15 minutes
C. 15 to 20 minutes
D. 20 to 25 minutes
80. Which are the limitations of Micro teaching?
A. Costly,Lack of experts,Not real teaching
B. It is training technique
C. Integration of skills
D. All of above
81. Which method refers to operation in which a real situations is represented in another from?
A. Project method
B. Simulation method
C. Heuristic method
D. Recitation method
82. Which are the Parameters of simulation?
A. Stylized simulation
B. Games,Free drama
C. An lllustration
D. All of above
83. method of teaching can be enjoyable realistic and helpful?
A. Lecture method
B. Simulation method
C. Recitation method
D. Drill method
84. “Programmed (learning) is a sequence of small steps of instructional material most of which requires a response to be made by completing a blank space in a sentence “this definition of Programmed instructional was coined by?
A. Smith and Moore
B. Susan
C. Leith
D. Michael J.Apter
85. “in a team teaching method two or more teachers make a plan of the subject or subjects cooperatively carry it out and always evaluate its effect on the students periodically “this definition of an innovate method of teaching was furthered by?
A. M.B.Naik
B. J.Apter
C. Caulo Olson
D. Michael
86. Activity involves
A. Physical action
B. Mental action
C. Many action
D. Physical and mental action
87. Duration of macro teaching is?
A. 30 to 40 minutes
B. 40 to 50 minutes
C. 45 to 55 minutes
D. 55 to 60 minutes
80. A 81. B 82. D 83. B 84. C 85. A, 86. D 87. A
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