Nature of Teaching


1. Lecture method lays emphasis on

(a) the presentation of the content   

(b) the participation of the learner    

 (c) the solution of problems faced by the learner    

 (d) the removal of errors in learning      


2. In lecture method,  

(a) the teacher is the recipient          

(b) the teacher makes elaborate arrangements for demonstration or experiments


 (c) students are more active and teacher is passive    

(d) teacher is more active and students are passive    


3. A good lecture provides

(a) active participation for learners      

(b) creative thinking          

(c) better scope for clarification        

(d) real experience          


4. Lecture method is a

(a) project approach        

(b) activity centered approach    

 (c) student-controlled approach    

 (d) teacher-controlled approach      


5. The presentation of a pre-arranged series of events or equipment to a group of students for their observation is known as

(a) demonstration method    

 (b) problem solving method     

 (c) story telling method     

 (d) lecture method      


6. Demonstration method is

(a) oldest teaching strategy given by idealism philosophy  

(b) a classroom strategy used in technical schools and training colleges                      

(c) made interesting with extra-addition of flannel board or puppets  

(d) considered both autocratic and permissive type of teaching  


7. For a successful demonstration, the teacher

(a) should never involve students in demonstration    

(b) should never break down the demonstration into a simple step by step pattern


 (c) should plan all the activities in great detail and rehearse it     

 (d) should proceed with the demonstration as quickly as possible


8. The demonstration aids in bringing about a relationship between the theory and

(a) practice         

(b) hypothesis           

(c) concept           

(d) observation          


9. Demonstration is a

(a) learner-centered method      

(b) teacher-centered method       

 (c) subject-centered method      

 (d) curriculum-centered method      

10. An educational device where the teacher and students attempt in a conscious, planned and purposeful effort to arrive at an explanation is known as

(a) lecture method      

(b) story telling method    

 (c) demonstration method   

 (d) problem solving method   


11. Problem solving method is

(a) a teacher-controlled instruction        

(b) used in technical schools and training colleges    

(c) used to train pupils’ mind by confronting them with real problems and giving

them the opportunity and freedom to solve them     

(d) used for teaching lower classes        


12. In problem solving method, a systematic and orderly process is adopted for carrying out

(a) the teaching-learning process    

(b) data collection        

(c) evaluation           

(d) analysis        


13. Problem solving involves

(a) imagination        

(b) reflective thinking       

(c) divergent thinking        

(d) convergent thinking      


14. Problem solving method help the learner to  

(a) depends on teachers          

(b) think critically and independently     

(c) summarize the main points covered in the lesson  

(d) be actively involved in observing      


15. Which of the following teaching method is considered as an art that enables the teacher to come very close to the heart of the students and thereby attracts their attention?

(a) problem solving method     

(b) demonstration method     

(c) story telling method    

 (d) lecture method     


16. Story telling enables the teacher to make lessons

(a) boring            

(b) complicated          

(c) a burden for students        

(d) lively and interesting to the pupils     


17. Students grasp very easily the knowledge presented in the form of a

(a) fact        

(b) figure        

(c) graph        

      (d) story       

18. In story telling technique, the language should be

(a) difficult    

(b) ineffective  

 (c) simple and easy   

       (d) dull        


19. Story telling method is commonly used for teaching

(a) lower classes         

(b) higher classes      

(c) university students    

      (d) adults




– What kind of direct method of teaching is?

A. Low-tech

B. High-tech

C. Mixed-tech

D. None of these

Ans: (A) Low-tech


2-In the inductive method of teaching, the student is a(n):

A. Passive participant

B. Dormant participant

C. Active participant

D. None of these


Ans: (C) Active participant


3-The kinesthetic learning model, in which students perform hands-on physical activities, is a teaching method of:

A. High-tech

B. Mixed-tech

C. Multiple-tech

D. None of these


Ans: (D) None of these (Low Tech is correct answer)


4-The approaches used by teachers to achieve the goals and objectives of lessons are called:

A. Teaching methods

B. Technique of dialogue


C. Teaching styles

D. None of these


Ans: (A) Teaching methods


5-Differential instruction is a method of teaching:

A. High-tech

B. Mixed-tech

C. Multiple-tech

D. None of these


Ans: (D) None of these (Low Tech is correct answer)


6-Flipped classroom is a method of teaching:

A. High-tech

B. Mixed-tech

C. Multiple-tech

D. None of these


Ans: (A) High-tech


7-The general principles, pedagogy, and management strategies used for classroom instruction are called:

A. Teaching strategies

B. Technique of dialogue

C. Teaching styles

D. None of these


Ans: (A) Teaching strategies


8-Instruction tailored to meet students’ individual needs is called:

A. High-tech

B. Mixed-tech

C. Multiple-tech

D. None of these


Ans: (D) None of these (Correct term: Differentiated Instruction)


9-All of the following are characteristics of authoritative style of teaching EXCEPT:

A. Sharing

B. Rudeness

C. Suppression of the subordinates

D. None of these


Ans: (A) Sharing


10-A teacher uses a variety of skills and techniques to ensure the classroom runs smoothly, without disruptive behavior from students. This is known as classroom:

A. Rules

B. Management

C. Policies

D. None of these


Ans: (B) Management







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