
 Froebel was actually a/an ______ educationist and reformer:

· (a) British

· (b) German

· (c) French

· (d) American

62. Froebel is famous for his kindergarten which is the German word for:

· (a) Playground of Children

· (b) Garden of children

· (c) School of children

· (d) Church of children

63. Froebel was also greatly influenced by the following educator of the time:

· (a) Jean Rousseau

· (b) Basedow

· (c) Pestalozzi

· (d) All of the above

64. Froebel is quite different from many of the educational thinkers and philosophers because:

· (a) His religious beliefs form the basis of his educational philosophy

· (b) He refuted religion and endorsed nature to be the basis of education

· (c) He had no concern with religion at all

· (d) None of the above

65. Froebel says that the teacher’s role is to care and nurture the child in a manner that:

· (a) The child may become a useful citizen of society

· (b) The child may develop as a scientific observer

· (c) The child’s in-built goodness unfolds and blossoms in a realized potential

· (d) None of the above

66. Froebel’s fixed and symmetrical play materials are called:

· (a) Donations

· (b) Gifts

· (c) Toys

· (d) Aids

67. Froebel has his soft play materials as:

· (a) Careers

· (b) Occupations

· (c) Professions

· (d) Jobs

68. Froebel is considered as the first philosopher to perceive the significance of ______ as a basic principle in teaching:

· (a) Psychology

· (b) Nature

· (c) Socialization

· (d) None of the above

69. Froebel’s curriculum incorporated principles of:

· (a) Self-development, activity, and socialization

· (b) Philosophical ideas, thought and scholarly discussions

· (c) Psychology of the child

· (d) None of the above

70. Froebel’s kindergarten centered on the following procedure:

· (a) Use of gifts

· (b) Singing of his songs

· (c) Playing of various educational games

· (d) All of the above

71. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was:

A. Jean Piaget
B. John Dewey
C. Martin Wagenschein
D. Lev Vygotsky

Ans: (D)

72. Which philosopher gave the idea that education should be based on the principles of human development?

A. Dewey
B. Watson
C. Rousseau
D. Thorndike

Ans: (A) John Dewey

73. Which philosopher compiled the Kindergarten education system?

A. Friedrich Froebel
B. Herbert Spencer
C. John Locke
D. D.J. O’Connor

Ans: (A) Friedrich Froebel

74. In 1854, which philosopher set up a laboratory to measure human characteristics?

A. D.J. O’Connor
B. John Dewey
C. Galton
D. Woodworth

Ans: (C) Francis Galton

75. Realistic Education system supports the progress of:

A. Natural
B. Social
C. Scientific
D. Technical

Ans: (C) Scientific

76. With authoritarian philosophy, teaching is:

A. Teacher-centered
B. Child-centered
C. Headmaster-centered
D. Experience-based

Ans: (A) Teacher-centered

77. Character is developed by:

A. Will-power
B. Conduct and behavior
C. Morality
D. All of the above

Ans: (D) All of the above

78. “Spare the rod, spoil the child” is a statement related to that type of discipline which has been advocated:

A. By naturalist philosophy
B. By pragmatist philosophy
C. In the Victorian Era
D. In the Democratic Era

Ans: (C) In the Victorian Era


82. In realist schools, the curriculum would probably be focused sharply on:

A. Studies in the natural and behavioral sciences
B. The humanities
C. Business and other practical subjects
D. History and the fine arts

Ans: (A) Studies in the natural and behavioral sciences

83. Idealism for understanding society was advocated by:

A. August Comte
B. Max Weber
C. George Simmel
D. Robert Park

Ans: (B) Max Weber

84. Procedures and techniques for validating knowledge and gaining new knowledge are called:

A. Empiricism
B. Rationalism
C. Methodology
D. Positivism

Ans: (C) Methodology

85. Procedures and techniques devised to extend our knowledge are called:

A. Dogmatism
B. Skepticism
C. Agnosticism
D. Methodology

Ans: (D) Methodology




87. Descartes considered two criteria of true knowledge as:

A. Purity and clearness
B. Clearness and distinctiveness
C. Clearness and truthfulness
D. Distinctiveness and purity

Ans: (B) Clearness and distinctiveness

88. According to philosophy, Mathematics is a body of certain and _____ truths.

A. Self-evident
B. Mathematical
C. Theoretical
D. Geometrical

Ans: (A) Self-evident

89. Hume says that all knowledge is derived from:

A. Propositions
B. Axioms
C. Theorems
D. Impressions

Ans: (D) Impressions

90. Berkeley argues that all knowledge is derived from:

A. Impressions
B. Ideas
C. Theorems
D. Laws

Ans: (B) Ideas


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