
.Averroes was actually a/an:

· (a) Arab

· (b) Egyptian

· (c) Spanish 

· (d) Indian

32. Averroes wrote a commentary on Plato’s book:

· (a) The Democracy

· (b) The Human

· (c) The Republic

· (d) The Politic 

33. Like Aristotle, Ibn-e-Rushd views the study of the psyche as a part of:

· (a) Physics 

· (b) Chemistry

· (c) Astronomy

· (d) Palmistry

34. Ibn-e-Rushd divided the soul into _____ faculties:

· (a) 3

· (b) 4

· (c) 5 

· (d) 6

35. The primary psychological faculty in human beings according to Averroes is:

· (a) The Nutritive 

· (b) The Sensitive

· (c) The Imaginative

· (d) None of the above

36. The highest psychological faculty in human beings according to Averroes is:

· (a) The Imaginative

· (b) The Appetitive

· (c) The Sensitive

· (d) The Rational 

37. Ibn-e-Rushd maintains that it is the Muslim doctrine of the _____ that best motivates people to an ethical life:

· (a) Afterlife 

· (b) Real life

· (c) Pious life

· (d) None of the above

Allama Iqbal and Education

38. Allama Iqbal explained that before making any educational program an educationist first should understand:

· (a) Society of the individual

· (b) Individual and his culture

· (c) Individual and his nature 

· (d) Individual and his family

39. Iqbal’s concept of Ego or individuality that has prime importance in his thoughts, which was first presented in his book:

· (a) Bang-e-Dira

· (b) Zarb-e-Kaleem

· (c) Asrar-i-Khudi 

· (d) Ramooz-e-Khudi

40. Iqbal holds that the development of an active individuality is impossible except in contact with a:

· (a) Skillful Teacher

· (b) Dynamic and concrete environment 

· (c) Comprehensive Textbooks

· (d) None of the above

41. For Iqbal, the development of individuality is a:

· (a) Long process

· (b) Creative process 

· (c) Thinking process

· (d) Individual process

42. According to Allama Iqbal, the educational system of a country should reflect its:

· (a) Language

· (b) Religion

· (c) Culture 

· (d) Geography

 43. According to Iqbal, for teaching morality to a child, school should provide opportunities of:

· (a) Technical and vocational experiences

· (b) Language and grammar experience

· (c) Social life & experiences 

· (d) Religious experiences

44. According to Iqbal’s educational philosophy, the good life must be a life of:

· (a) Piousness

· (b) Active effort and struggle 

· (c) Passive submission to God

· (d) None of the above

45. Iqbal is of the view that there are three qualities that should be cultivated by education:

· (a) Passion, wisdom and faith

· (b) Love, affection and gratitude

· (c) Action, thought and reflection

· (d) Courage, tolerance and faqr 

46. According to Iqbal, courage can be cultivated as an attribute of character in students by making ______ an active working principle of life:

· (a) Salat

· (b) Tawheed 

· (c) Zakat

· (d) Hajj

Syed Abu A’ala Maududi

47. Syed Abu A’ala Maududi was a great Islamic scholar of:

· (a) 17th century

· (b) 18th century

· (c) 19th century

· (d) 20th century 

48. Syed Abu A’ala Maududi actually criticized ______ in light of Islamic teachings:

· (a) Communism

· (b) Socialism

· (c) Capitalism

· (d) All of the above 

49. Syed Abu A’ala Maududi presented a practical plan for:

· (a) Pakistani System of Education

· (b) Indian System of Education 

· (c) Islamic System of Education

· (d) None of the above


51. According to Syed Abu A’ala Maududi, in order to introduce the Western knowledge and learning in Muslim societies, it must be:

· (a) Organized

· (b) Rejected

· (c) Filtered 

· (d) None of the above

52. The other way to present the western and modern knowledge to Muslim students, according to Syed Abu A’ala Maududi is:

· (a) To present it without any modification

· (b) To present it with some modification

· (c) To present it with appreciation

· (d) To present it with strong criticism 

53. According to Syed Abu A’ala Maududi, in order to Islamize the educational system it is necessary to:

· (a) Make Islamic Studies a compulsory subject at all levels

· (b) Introduce a single book of Islamic studies at all levels

· (c) Reorganize the whole body of knowledge according to Islamic teachings 

54. Syed Abu A’ala Maududi believes that Islamic culture and civilization can only be protected and promoted through:

· (a) Building mosques in the country

· (b) Islamic values based society

· (c) Islamic Education system 

· (d) None of the above

55. In order to Islamize the education system, Syed Abu A’ala Maududi suggested that Islamic studies should be:

· (a) Added along with the curriculum

· (b) Added at higher education level

· (c) Included in the syllabi at all levels

· (d) Included in the whole body of education system 


57. Syed Abu A’ala Maududi divided education of an individual into ______ key stages:

· (a) 2

· (b) 4

· (c) 3 

· (d) 5

58. The three major domains of the educational system, according to Syed Abu A’ala Maududi, are:

· (a) Knowledge, Comprehension and Application

· (b) Knowledge, Understanding and Application

· (c) Theoretical knowledge, Practical knowledge and vocational knowledge

· (d) Theoretical knowledge, Vocational knowledge and Ethics 

Recent Philosophers on Education (Froebel, Dewey)

59. Who was the supporter of Naturalism in Education?

· (a) Frobel

· (b) Dewey

· (c) Pavlov

· (d) All of the above

60. Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries represent a period of most radical changes in educational theory and practice. This was a period known as the:

· (a) “age of reason”

· (b) “enlightenment”

· (c) Both of the above

· (d) None of the above


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