
.121. Reliability is concerned with the ____ of students.

(a) Consistency
(b) Stability
(c) Dependability
(d) All of above

Answer(a) Consistency

122. Project is concerned with:

(a) Practical work
(b) Theoretical work
(c) Physical work
(d) Mental work

Answer: (a) Practical work

123. ____ is calculated by adding all the scores in distribution and then dividing that sum by the number of scores.

(a) Mean
(b) Mode
(c) Median
(d) Standard deviation

Answer: (a) Mean

124. The primary determinant of a grade is the student’s:

(a) Knowledge
(b) Learning
(c) Performance
(d) Assessment

Answer: (c) Performance

125. An ability test includes:

(a) Achievement, aptitude & attitude
(b) Aptitude, attitude and interest
(c) Attitude, interest & intelligence
(d) Achievement, aptitude & intelligence

Answer: (d) Achievement, aptitude & intelligence

126. We use simulation as a teaching technique in:

(a) Short answers
(b) Completion items
(c) Performance test
(d) Matching exercises

Answer: (c) Performance test

127. The main purpose of classroom testing is:

(a) Compare students’ performance
(b) Measure teachers’ effectiveness
(c) Reporting to parents
(d) Improve instruction

Answer: (d) Improve instruction

128. Diagnostic evaluation is done:

(a) Before Teaching
(b) After Teaching
(c) In Between Teaching
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Before Teaching

129. What the individual can perform in future is measured by:

(a) Intelligence test
(b) Personality test
(c) Achievement test
(d) Aptitude test

Answer: (d) Aptitude test

130. The best measure to avoid guessing in a structured test is to use:

(a) True/false items
(b) Completion items
(c) Matching items
(d) Multiple-choice items

Answer: (b) Completion items

131. The first and most important step in making a test is:

(a) Collecting content
(b) Defining objectives
(c) Determining process
(d) Proper planning

Answer: (b) Defining objectives

132. The final product of measurement is:

(a) Test item
(b) Scores
(c) Interpretation of scores
(d) Performance

Answer: (b) Scores

133. Essay tests have advantage over the objective tests because they:

(a) Are free from opportunities of bluffing
(b) Have high consistency in marking
(c) Provide adequate representation
(d) Provide opportunities to organize knowledge

Answer: (d) Provide opportunities to organize knowledge

134. The basic function of educational measurement is to find out student’s:

(a) Achievement
(b) Attitudes
(c) Habits
(d) Interests

Answer: (a) Achievement

135. If a criterion-referenced test is reliable, then scores from the test are:

(a) Useful
(b) Standardized
(c) Consistent
(d) Valid

Answer: (c) Consistent

136. Construct validity is established through:

(a) Logical analysis
(b) Standardized analysis
(c) Both a & b
(d) Neither a nor b

Ans. (a) Logical analysis 

137. The standard error of measurement is a measure of:

(a) Location
(b) Central tendency
(c) Variability
(d) Association

Answer: (c) Variability

138. Which of the following is not a strength of multiple-choice items:

(a) Effective testing of higher cognitive levels
(b) Content sampling
(c) Score reliability
(d) Allows for educated guessing

Answer: (a) Effective testing of higher cognitive levels

139. When constructing multiple-choice items, it is best to:

(a) Make all options of same length
(b) Put main idea in items
(c) Use only two options
(d) Repeat key words of stem in options

Answer: (a) Make all options of same length

140. Use of many selected responses in a test can provide good:

(a) Level of difficulty
(b) Objectivity
(c) Context sampling
(d) Time sampling

Answer: (b) Objectivity

141. Variation in the scores of an individual from time to time could be best judged by reliability techniques of:

(a) Parallel test forms
(b) Rational equivalence
(c) Split half
(d) Test-retest

Answer: (d) Test-retest

142. The most significant advantage of true-false items is:

(a) Wide sampling
(b) Item validity
(c) Ease of construction
(d) Elimination of guessing

Answer(a) Wide sampling

143. Improvement of scores on a post-test after having the pre-test, the threat affecting the results is referred to as:

(a) Instrumentation
(b) History
(c) Testing
(d) Mortality

Answer: (c) Testing

144. The most comprehensive term used in the process of educational testing is called:

(a) Test
(b) Interview
(c) Evaluation
(d) Measurement

Answer: (c) Evaluation

145. Monitoring the outcomes with reference to the objectives, the term used is called:

(a) Test
(b) Interview
(c) Evaluation
(d) Measurement

Answer: (c) Evaluation

146. Learning difficulties during instruction can be checked with the help of an evaluation type called:

(a) Placement
(b) Summative
(c) Diagnostic
(d) Formative

Answer: (c) Diagnostic

147. Test designed to measure the number of items an individual can attempt correctly in a given time is referred type of test as:

(a) Power
(b) Supply
(c) Achievement
(d) Speed

Answer: (d) Speed

148. Test designed to measure the learning during a specific time of an individual is referred type of test as:

(a) Power
(b) Supply
(c) Achievement
(d) Speed

Answer: (a) Power

149. 27% of the papers with the highest scores = lowest score 10. When H=8, L=3 for item No. 10. What is the index of difficulty for item No. 10?

(a) 0.5
(b) 1.1
(c) 0.25
(d) 0.2

Answer: (d) 0.2

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150. In a multiple-choice test, the number of alternatives (N) is 4. What would be the score of a candidate who has done 40 items correctly and 9 items wrongly?

(a) 43
(b) 31
(c) 37
(d) 49

Answer: (c) 37


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