.1. The branch of philosophy that is concerned with the problems of values is known as:

a. Ethics    b.  Epistemology

c. Axiology    d. Aesthetics

2. An idealistic teacher makes classroom environment:

a. Teacher centered

b. Curriculum centered

c. Student centered

d. Class centered

3. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is a level of achievement:

a. Teacher                  b. Student

c. Syllabus          d. Task

4. The selection of curriculum material in the light of needs and interest of learning is one the chief function of a :

a. Head teacher          b. School

c. School teacher      d. School Member

5. In how many aspect of intelligence emphasized by Thorndike in the light of his concept, “ power of good responses from a point of view of truth a fact:

a. 2                       b. 4

c.3                       d. 5

§ abstract, mechanical/concrete, and Social Intelligence.

6. Which is the vital component of teaching learning process?

a. Learning          b. Training

c. Measurement          d. Curriculum

7. To acquire the satisfactory degree of competence, the most important thing is:

a. Potential ability      b. Physical ability

c. Intellectual ability d. Total ability

8. Home condition, degree of interest, emotional attitude, health and other factors may affect the individual ……….. during taking on an intelligence test?

a. Classification        b.  Differences

c. Success         d. Approach

9. The consideration of appreciation of its value …. measurement should develop an fair minded attitude.

 a. Vocabulary          b. Definite

 c. Mental                  d. Individual

10. Which tests gradually are referred to as the tests of abstract intelligence?

a. Grade    b. Language

c. Ability    d. Administrative

11. To estimating the rate of mental development of any individual, the ratio between age and chronological age is refereed to as:

a. Intelligence quotient

b.  Abstract intelligence

c. Behavior   d. Maturity

12. Which tests do not directly measure future accomplishment and measure present performance?

a. Scientific         b. Aptitude

c. Progressive      d. Achievement

13. In which of the following, the teacher is ready to follow innovation?

a. Assignment method

b. Lecture method

c. Teacher centered method

d. Child centered method

14. Central principle of heuristic method is:

a. Learning through experience

b. Learning by doing

c. Learning through personal working

d. Learning through labor

15.  Major quality of assignment method is:

a. The method is economic

b. Students learning by doing takes place

c. The students develop the habit of hard work

d. It save teacher from exclusive evaluation

16. Project method is based on the law of:

a. Teaching     b. Thinking

c. Learning     d. Interest and attention

17. How many types are classified for evaluation?

a. 2                  b. 4

b.3                  d. 5

18 Alternative of cooperative learning is:

a. Planning         b. Competitive scenario

c. Determining activities.

d. Determination of objectives

19. Initially SOLO taxonomy was introduced with how many levels?

a. 2                   b. 6

b. 4                   d. 8

§ Now SOLO has 5 levels.

20. How many domains are in taxonomies of educational objectives?

a. 2                   b. 4

c. 3                   d. 5

21. The first step in the project method of teaching is:

a. Planning       b. Distribution of work

c. Provision of situation

d. Determination of objectives

22. Psychology is the study of human

a. Conduct       b Behavior

c. Deed                    d. Experience

23. Aim of psychologists is to make unconscious to

a. Conscious        b.  Active

c. Sub conscious      d. Responsive

 24.The branch of philosophy deals with the certainty of knowledge is called:

a. Epistemology        b. Axiology

c. Ontology         d. Anthropology

25. For rationalism, our knowledge is derived from:

a. Observation           b. Sense perception

c. Reason           d. Innate ideas


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