69-The teacher must be confident in:

a) Speaking b) Writing

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

70- x ̊ =:

a) 01 b) 0

c) 100 d) None of these

71– The student potential is best evaluated in:

a) Mathematics test b) English test

c) Urdu test d) None of these

72- A good test must have:

a) Comprehension b) Short question

c) MCQs d) None of these

73-Simulation is best used in:

a) Swimming b) Catching

c) Setting d) None of these

73-Learning objective must be well defined to:

a) Teacher and student b) Teacher

c) Parent d) None

74-The collection of productive homework to evaluate the performance of student is:

a) Portfolio b) Stock

c) Assignment d) None of these

75-We learn more from:

a) Trial and error b) Friends

c) Happiness d) None of these

76-Student performance is best shown with his achieved _____ is in examination.

a) CGPA b) Marks

c) Grades d) No one of these

77-“Useful Measurement” is emphasized in:

a) Classroom measurement

b) Student performance

c) Discipline

d) None of these

78-Study of great books is the core element of:

a) Perennialism b) Essentialism

c) Nature d) None of these

79-________ inspires educators to get beyond traditional learning.

a) Discovery education

b) Technical education

c) Simulation d) None of these

80-Which is the most important element of educational measurement?

a) Student b) Teacher

c) Society d) None of these

81-Informal education is:

a) For 18 years b) Life long

c) For 16 years d) None of these

82- Private schools were nationalized by:

a) Zulfiqar ali Bhutto b) Zia ul haqq

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

83- District education authority was established in:

a) 2017 b) 2019

c) 1999 d) None of these

84-______ are responsible for poor results in BISE examinations.

a) Teacher b) Principal

c) Student d) All of these

85-Speaking synonym is:

a) Fluency b) Run by

c) Singing d) None of these

86-An eloquent teacher must be:

a) Pleasurable b) Diligent

c) Honest d) None

*Expressive is correct answer

87 Lecture method is more effective for:

a) Primary students b) Technical students

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

88– Homework must be imposed and _____ on daily basis.

a) Investigated b) Ignored

c) Recycled d) None of these

89- Prolonged fear leads to:

a) Stress b) Failure

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

90– The syllabus must show its application in our:

a) Industries b) Society

c) Daily life d) None of these

91-______ must be a core element of all examinations:

a) Comprehension b) Essay writing

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

92-Empathetic understanding:

a) Is the ability to see the incomplete picture

b) Is the ability to feel, understand others

c) Is relation

d) None of these

93– What is the ultimate aim of counseling for an individual to attain?

a) Self-knowledge b) Self-direction

c) Self-understanding d) None of these

94-Directive counseling was developed by:

a) Carl Roger

b) EG Williamson

c) Seize

d) None of them

95-Which of the statement about counseling is not correct?

a) Every child needs counseling

b) Counseling is continuous process

c) Production is necessary

d) None of these

96-The main aim of educational guidance is:

a) Pupil development

b) To solve the problem

c) Inventory

d) None of these

97-Professional advice and help given to people with problems is called:

a) Guidance b) Counseling

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

98 Which of the following is not a test technique?

a) Intelligence tests b) Aptitude tests

c) Case studies d) None of these

100– A detailed study of a person, group or situation over a period of time is called:

a) Personality tests

b) Cumulative record cards

c) Case study

d) None of these



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