35-Who proposed the important theories of moral development?

a. Herbert b. Pestalozzi

c. Kohlberg d. None of these

36-“Development is a never ending process”. This idea is associated with the principle of:

a. Development b. Performance

c. Continuity d. None of these

37-Knowledge of child psychology is must for primary teacher because it helps the teacher in understanding the:

a. Nature of children

b. Behavior of children

c. Attitude of children

d. None of these

38-The Gestalt augmented the insight theory of:

a. Understanding b. Learning

c. Motivation d. None of these

39-A teacher who creates interests in the subject amongst the students is the most:

a. Authoritative b. Commanding

c. Competent d. None of these

40-In school and classroom environment, the child’s ______ development is defined in a best way:

a. Cognitive b. Learning

c. Psychological d. None of these

41-Questioning by the student is the sign of ______ teaching.

a. Precision b. Articulation

c. Motivated d. None of these

42-When most students in English class are well below grade level in reading, who should plan many hands-on-activities?

a. Parents b. Teachers

c. Principal d. None of these

43-To assess the effectiveness of teaching, a teacher keeps eye on:

a. The attention of the students

b. The classroom activities of the students

c. The understanding level of the students

d. None of these

44-High and low achievers are sorted out by:

a. Reliability b. Objectivity

c. Discrimination power d. None

45-The school policy should be determined by:

a. Citizens b. Headmaster

c. Citizens and educators d. None of these

46-To make arrangement is the part of:

a. Planning b. Organizing

c. Commanding d. None of these

47-Authoritarian model is more suitable for:

a. Discipline b. Improvement

c. Achievement d. None of these

48-Provision of good educational environment is:

a. Non instructional task

b. Instructional task

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these

49-The chief source for the accomplishment of the aims of education is:

a. Curriculum b. Teacher

c. Method of teaching d. None of these

50– Curriculum development is a:

a. A continuous process

b. A circular process

c. A process of logical order

d. None of these

51-Elements of curriculum are:


a. Two b. Three

c. Four d. None of these

52-The important components of curriculum are:

a. Objectives and curricular content

b. Objective, content, methodology and evaluation

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of these

53-Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?

a. Affective b. Cognitive

c. Psychomotor d. None of these

54-The evaluation used to improve the content during curriculum development is:

a. Summative b. Formative

c. Diagnostic d. None of these

55-Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by:

a. Design b. Method

c. Evaluation d. None of these

56-The purpose of integrated curriculum is:

a. Increase in number of books

b. Decrease in number of books

c. Increase in students’ enrollment

d. None of these

57-Which one is not the component of curriculum?

a. Content b. Design

c. Objectives d. None of these

58-The forces that effect the development of curriculum are called:

a. Curriculum design

b. Elements of Curriculum

c. Foundations of curriculum

d. None of these

59-The analysis of item is necessary in:

a. Essay test b. Standardize test

c. Norm reference test d. None of these

60-Kuder Richardson method is used to estimate:

a. Reliability b. Validity

c. Usability d. None of these

61-Procedure used to determine person abilities is:

a. Maximum performance test

b. Criterion performance test

c. Typical performance test

d. None of these

62-In norm reference test the comparison is between:

a. Areas b. Groups

c. Individuals d. none

63-The Summative evaluation is:

a. Continuous b. Diagnostic

c. Certifying judgment d. None

64-The item is acceptable when its difficulty level is:

a. 20-60% b. 30-70%

c. 20-70% d. None of these

65______ is a formal and systematic procedure of getting information:

a. Test b. Evaluation

c. Assessment d. None of these

66______ is the process of making judgment.

a. Assessment b. Evaluation

c. Guidance d. None of these

67-______ type of questions are difficult to mark with reliability.

a. Short answer b. Structured essay

c. Unstructured essay d. None of these

68______ is designed to predict future performance.

a. Aptitude test b. Achievement test

c. Norm reference test d. None of these


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